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Does anyone know to which airbag is 09 side airbag fault is related to? It is for an early E38 - 1997 - 735i series. 

Many thanks




Morning Dimitris

First the battery is in good condition ?

I spoke to a friend who works for BMW in the USA he tells me that this code is often riggered when work is carried out on orther components such as Steering Wheel or the Instrument cluster.

He sent me the attached hope it helps





Good morning Dave

Thank you for your response. I did have some work done but none was in the steering wheel or instrument cluster. I do have an airbag code 09 "Side airbag, front right" on that I have not managed to clear out yet.

I did clear the fault codes 2-3 times which it did remove most of the fault codes apart from 3,

09 Side air bag, front right

28 thermal sensor for oillevel defect - BTW my vehicle does not have a oil thermal sensor

94 LED for anti-theft alarm system open circuit - BTW the red light that is on the top of the dash has never been ON.







Hi Demitri

Your car has an Air Bag in each door so front right would be in the Drivers Door (UK) Passenger Door (LHD) I would check the Loom connections continuity through the door it could be a broken wire in the loom (make sure you disconnect the battery first) 

The other faults could be as simple as a corroded pin or poor earth, the Thermal Oil sensor fault may clear when earths and other connectors are cleaned up

Do you have INPA or BMW 1.4.0 they will help a lot



Hello Dave

Thank you for the respose.

I will try to locate the connector and clean them up. Could it be the head air bag and not the door air bag that is faulty? (BTW the car is a LHD).

Considering there is no oil thermal sensor could the “Thermal Oillevel Sensor” be a faulty oil level sensor?

I have tried to instal the 1.4.0 on my laptop but I gave up after 3 hrs in trying. I could not find the correct drivers for the software.




Morning Dimitris

Yes worth checking the Curtain Airbag as well BMW also love muliple Earth points my 4.4 had several difficult to trace faults that eventually I found an earth point in the back of the Boot/Trunk that was showing signs of rust around the mounting bolt took it off cleaned itput electrical contact paste on it and bolted it back,fixed lots of stuff. I went through the car and did all the earth points.

With 1.4.0 did you download the program or load it from a disc ? The disc should have Drivers on it Load program then plug in the Connecting lead (Not connected to the Car) you should then see a prompt to load the drivers the n your good to go.

As I have the program up and running if you want a 20year old disc I am happy to post it to you



Good morning Dave

I can’t thank you enough for your help.

Although I don’t think it’s an earth issue, the car lived all its life in the Med and away from the sea and its very clean both inside and outside, I will try to trace all earth points and see if this will sort out the fault codes that I see.

Considering I have no fault on the dash, does it worth replacing the oil level sensor or not?

Regarding the 1.4.0 I got the CD cable and plug and tried it to a windows 10 - 64bit laptop and on a 16bit Windows vista, downloaded drives from the net and tried drivers that I had on the disc without luck. I have found other suppliers of the 1.4.0 who include a 64bit windows 10 driver in their disc that I will try in the near future, August.

What windows version you use?





Hi Dimitri

Like Stu I have an old Windows 7 Lap top that I use only for Diagnostics it is a bit overworked as I have Programs for Volvo, Mercedes Star, BMW 1.4.0 and INPA on there, I really must upgrade the memory one day 😁 I have a full INPA/ISTA program but that runs on a different lap top with a bigger hard drive and plenty of memory (ISTA is a big program) 

I set 1.4.0 up for a neighbour by setting a Virtual Machine up on his laptop then setting up Windows 7 then load i.4.0 just make sure Win 7 is in 32bit mode 

Good Luck 


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