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Hey Guys

I had a CRX previously to my BMW and spent a little money on an induction kit and it completely changed the sound of the engine....I mean ridiculously changed the sound, It sounded immense!!! I added an AEM intake system and was the best £160 I have ever spent. I'm not into loud exhausts but love hearing the noise from the loud pedal when I press it lol.

I was wondering if anyone else has had any good results from an intake kit? and if so which one did you use?


hi mate

which model CRX did you have?

It will change the sound but I don't think it will get the sound results like on the CRX.

You should definatly get a performance gain, nothing that will set your hair alight... perhaps a 5-10hp gain depending on the intake.


CRX Del sol transtop 170bhp 1.6 Vtec was an amazing car. Not the fastest on the road but loads of fun. I'm not expecting the bhp or speed to rise a considderable amoutn just the engine tone to change.



I had the AEM intake as shown in top left


Once fitted the engine noise made me do this....



haha yeah the engine did need a good spruce up I guess but it was an amazing bombproof engine! very very impressed with these and surprisingly quick and economical for a 1.6!


tbh I'm not a massive fan of working under the bonnet to make huge changes. I think if I wanted a stupid fast car I would buy the Teg type R or an M3 lol just wanted the noise difference lol


both very nice cars, think it would have to be the M3 for me though,

a teg was on my shopping list before my current bmw but insurance and running costs is a nightmare.

this is a quick go on my mates astra vxR i did, hes selling it but as its a every day car i didnt go over the top






yeah man I was looking at e36 M3's because they're pretty cheap nowadays compared to e46's but after thinking long and hard I knew it was going to cost me a fortune in the long run. Servicing / running / insurance is like twice as much as I have now so chose the e46 320 a bit of a step down power wise but a great everyday runner.

When I was looking for my bmw i looked at a few cars...

I drove an EK9 civic with a teg engine under the bonnet and that scared the sh*t out of me, couldn't stop grinning but I knew I'd eventually bin it lol so decided against it

I always liked the honda prelude facelift phase 2 model but was sooo disappointing to drive and I didn't like the 4wheel steer it made the car feel off balance when turning quickly

Corsa Turbo .... didn't want to buy it but I saw the advert and thought I NEED A GO! lol

Scooby ..... all you see driving them are middle aged barryboy skinheads and I couldn't afford a decent EVO at the time lol

New Civic ... LOVE the dash on them like your driving a jet lol but my GF just bought one so couldn't have the same car haha

Decided on the BMW mainly due to the spec being so high and I got the most car for my money twas such a bargain!. Havent looked back since, insurance is bearable, fuel costs aren't the best but having a 2.3 engine i wasn't expecting anything else lol and running costs aren't too bad servicing is about right price and some parts that are needed are surprisingly cheap whereas others are expensive lol swings and roundabouts i guess.

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