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Hello Everyone,

I Just traded my Lexus LS430 for a 330d M sport. I love it already and have spent days cleaning and polishing it. (its pretty sound except for stone chips at the front and a bubble near the drivers side rear door)

At the risk of teaching Grannies to suck eggs, can I just warn members who may not already know that using a high pressure jet wash on the parking sensors can render them useless.

My PDC was working fine until I blasted the sensors with water at point blank range.

Does anyone know how to get at the harness and sensors? the studs in the boot are very stiff and I don't want to damage it further. I am trying to buy some replacements on eBay.

Diesel do me!


sensors are usually a plug and play item, are they color coded?

should be just a case of taking the bumper off (not hard at all) and changing the sensor over.

welcome to the forum to, pass the word around :D


hey fella welcome to the forum, be worthwhile to double check which one has died

turn ignition on (BUT NOT ENGINE)

put car in reverse

place finger on each sensor to feel ticking....the one that doesnt tick thats the broken one!


hey fella welcome to the forum, be worthwhile to double check which one has died

turn ignition on (BUT NOT ENGINE)

put car in reverse

place finger on each sensor to feel ticking....the one that doesnt tick thats the broken one!

top tip that


cheers fella.....learnt from experience

some 17 year old lass bumped into the back of me in a traffic jam at like 2mph. Got out of the car and looked absolutely no damage on either car so I told her to watch out next time and no harm done nobody was hurt so didn't exchange details or anything (although I wouldn't of minded grabbing her credentials lol) .......... got home and a parking sensor has gone down YARG! lol still needs fixing cant find one cheap enough and im not buying one @ £72 from BMW lol I'm scouring the scrap yards for one at some point i think.


you will be surprised at how much damage can be hidden behind bumpers

i do bodywork on cars and ive had cars for little scracthes/ scuffs because some one hit it goin slow, but after a good look the boot well has been bent, impact beams can get bent easily. plastic has a memory so goes back into shape easily


my first car was a corsa 'b'' and some girl i worked with went into the back of me. the spare tyre had burst and wouldnt come out of the well!!!

she still blamed me for it :lol:

i was waiting to pull out of a junction!

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