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Hello everyone,

My names John and I'm just popping in to say hello (first time here but not new to forums).

I erm don't actually drive a bmw yet. Only just bought it today and waiting for delivery.

A humble 116. Should be here next week and I can't wait!!!

This looks like a new forum? Lets see how it turns out eh?



Guest Guest_bee_em_dubbleyoo_*
Welcome John. Nothing humble about a 116. Fun little car by all accounts.

It arrived this morning!!!

OMG I've been driving the wrong cars all my life.

With less than 12 hours of ownership under my belt I feel quite comfortable saying "I could easily stick with a bmw for the rest of me driving days"

What a drive. I know its only a small one but feck me!!! Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need some advice about ipod/iphone/bluetooth use in the car though. I didn't spec anything up on the car tbh as I was running out of budget (just pleased to be in the marque really) so I only seem to have a crappy 3.5mm jack socket to connect my ipod to.

I was hoping someone might know of a decent aftermarket iphone solution??



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