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hi all,

Firstly, "start a topic" doesnt sound like "ask a question" so apologies if I am not following rules and kindly point me in the right direction...

I have recently bought a AUC 5 series M sport 520D and was assured by the BMW main dealer that it had the higher BHP engine (177) in it (this was one of my pre-requisites) but my insurance details are suggesting it might not be.

If anyone can advise how I can confirm this without cost (other than going back to the main dealer - forearmed is forewarned, and all that) I would very much appreciate it.




whats the year of the car?

Sorry - OK, its September 2007 on a "57" plate. It has the old style gear knob (i.e. not the later version that was lifted out of the X5.



Thanks Gav...some useful info here but unfurtunately it doesnt help me...it advises the BHP changed during 2007 (actually around sept) but it doesnt say categorically which cars would have the higher HP or how I could tell by looking at something on my car...presumably the V5 will have it on it somewhere but I havent received this from DVLA yet since purchasing the car.



I put a link to the exact car 3 posts up on Parkers website lol

Thanks Greeney - this still only tells me what each model has...it doesnt tell me which model I have.

I've received my V5 now and its not on there either - doh!

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