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i have a 316i on a x plate and its missing on thwo cylinders numbers 2 and 3,1 and 4 are fine.ive tried coil packs,sparks leads,and a new lead fron the ecu and nothing seems to cure the problem,last resort i ve took out the ecu to let it dry out incase its got any damp in it.its now really doing my head in and i would really be thankful if any one could help.

thanks in advance


welcome to the forum

first thing id ask is have you had a diagnostic check on it, im guessing you have seeing as you no what cylinders it is.

also have you chaged the spark plugs?


yes its had new plugs and air mass flow meter and three new injectors still useless like the new goverment.no spark coming from leads 2 and 3 and its a new coil pack aswell

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