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Hi guys,i wondered if anyone could shed some light on a little door lock problem i have please?

The car is a 328 e46 ci se 1999.

I have read the manual on how to unlock the door via the remote.

Press once to unlock,twice to unlock and have the window come down.

However,when i press it once i hear all the correct clicking noises but the locking knob doesnt pop up.

I have to then either manually put the key in to unlock it or press the unlock button twice to get the window to come down,then reach inside and unlock from within by pulling on the door open handle.

I have tried all the key remotes so its not this.

The passenger side also doesnt come up.

In addition,if i press the lock all doors button by the hand brake,they lock down,but wont unlock up again. I have to again do it via the open door handle(pull once to unlock,then again to open door).

Just wondered if it was something simple ive overlooked or have i a broken motor or loose locking mecanism?

As i said,i can hear all the unlocking noises and the knob thingy moves slightly like it wants to come up,but doesnt.

Many thanks.


Check the relay. Dont ask me where it is though.

Ill do a search on the net for you when I get home see if i can find out.


are you trying to get the windows to come down with the remote? if so you have to hold the button down while they go down

Ahh yes,my mistake,i dont press it twice i hold it down for window.

Windows seem fine,just the door unlock issue.

Looks like its the relay,actuator or GM 5 modual from Gavs website.

Need to read it in depth now so diagnose which one it is.


No prob mate. Keep us posted

Will do mate.

After fully reading up on your links,im pretty sure its the open door relay (one of 4 relays) inside the GM 5 modual which is situated behind the glove box.

Options are......

1) a whole new modual from BMW (expensive..aprox cost with fitting £700-£800)

2)Buy the relays For about £20 and attempt to desolder and resolder. (apparently a hard job even with the correct tools due to the lead free soldering that bmw use) Wont be attempting this.

3)Send it away for repair at £70 delivored.

Will be doing this option at some point soon and will live the problem till then.

Thanks again Gav....owe you a pint bud :D

  • 7 months later...

I have exactly the same problem, i spoke to a couple of experts including the owner of the gm5 website and he seemed to think it sounded like the door actuators

A general module fault would apparantly show more faults.

I bought a pair of used actuators from a BMW parts specialist so just waiting for a chance to get them fitted at a garage.

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