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Hi I have a problem with my older 328i. Shes been a great car but I havent been able to use her for some months and Im now at the end of my tether so hoping someone on here can pointme in the right direction.

After stupidly leaving the car with the ignition on all day the battery went flat. I put a booster on the battery to get it going, and now nothing happens when you try to start it. The ignition lights come on but when you try to start, nothing, no clicks, no turning over etc.

The car has an after market Clifford alarm/immobiliser fitted so I assumed it needed to be reset. After doing a reset myself which didnt help I then had an alarm guy come and look at it. This guy said the immobilser was fine and that the problem lay with the ignition/ecu system not sending signal even as far as the immobilser - to demonstrate this he bypassed the immobilser and the car still didnt turn over.

He suggested I try changing the ECU. After some months of searching ebay and breakers yards I found the exact same ECU from another car (same model, codes etc shown on the casing). I have fitted this, and a new battery, and still nothing.

Any suggestions welcome.




Firstly welcome along

Id say it was down to a faulty alarm system, is their any way of removing/disableing it?

Lots of people have problems with aftermarket alarms as the maufactuers ECU isnt programmed to deal with it.

Can I ask why an after market alarm was fitted? Was theie a problem with the original one?



Hi Gav

The after market alarm was fitted before I bought the car so I dont know why? I have had an alarm engineer mate come out who knows the clifford system well and he is absolutely sure that there is no fault with it, the "signal" is not reaching the alarm immobiliser from the car in the first place?

Im sure I can get him back to look again, and maybe to remove the alarm completely?

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