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Hello, yesterday I put down a deposit on a lovely 57 plate 320D M Sport Touring :wayay: I'm really looking for to it as I've wanted one for a while but I've had a company car for the last 4 years so not had the need or opportunity to do so.

This will be the first BMW I've owned after owning various Fiats (Mainly Punto GT's - yes I've heard all the jokes) for the last 9 years.

Been reading a lot of info on the E90 series on BMWs over the last few days, there is quite a lot to take in, and unfortunately until the car is delivered (later this week) I'm not really sure where to start. Unfortunately I've bought the car from The Car Shop and due to the way they operate I've not actually seen the car in the metal. You may think this is a little foolish, but they had only 2 cars on this age, mileage and model in stock and they don't actually bring the car from another store (I live near Northampton and the car is/was in Cardiff) until you pay the deposit. I'm under a little time and financial restraint so had to make a choice quickly.

I've looked at the Autotrader add several times and I can only assume this is a standard M Sport model with no optional extras. If it turns out to have some options it will be a Brucie Bonus as I was happy with the base spec. I have spent the last few days looking into a few changes I would like to make, some quickly, some over a longer period of time.

Firstly I'm looking at Bluetooth handsfree. I've read you can retrofit BMW bluetooth to the car however it looks like a lot of hard work and it can be problematic, so I've been looking at alternatives. First of all I saw this headunit which replaces the standard one (http://www.bimmernav.com/store/catalog/bmw-e90-nonoem-bluetooth-dvd-player-and-navigation-system-item-241.html). I like the look of it because it keeps everything OEM looking and it has some nice features like the ability to play Music from USB and sat nav. It's quite expensive but I'm trying to keep the car as OEM as possible. I've been been able to find any reviews on this HU or the other similar ones I've found. Has anyone ever used a HU like this? Failing that I've been looking at the Parrot Mki9000 handsfree system which is not only cheaper but has a lot of great features too. One thing I saw with the Parrot is the Unika steering wheel control interface. Sound perfect to me as it keeps the car looking OEM however I found conflicting stories about how the steering wheel controls work in regards to the standard audio system. Can anyone shed some light on this please?

And lastly for now, I really like the look on the later facelifted E91 LED rear tailights. I'm having trouble finding these for the early E91 as many say saloon only, again can anyone help?

I'm sure I'll have a few more questions when it arrives but thanks for your help in advance.



Hi welcome along Chris, nice choice of car.

Im sure someone will be along soon to help you out with these 'issues'


Hello and thank you.

I saw the lights on M Style however they only list the E90, are the lights the same on the E91?



Thank you :)

I wanted one with the MV3 18" alloys but time wouldn't allow it. I'll look to upgrade the wheels at a later date.


Well let me know if you gid rid of yours, if I have the money you might have a buyer :D


Just not yet lol, just forked out for a spay job and wheel refurb and powder coat!!


Ouch! Don't worry though, I won't be replacing them soon. Need to look at the two things I mentioned in the OP first :)

Another quick question though, how can I tell whether it's a 177 or 163bhp?


Ouch! Don't worry though, I won't be replacing them soon. Need to look at the two things I mentioned in the OP first :)

Another quick question though, how can I tell whether it's a 177 or 163bhp?

Try here...http://www.bmw-z1.com/VIN/VINdecode-e.cgi


Im not sure if it does give you the bhp there come to think of it,

Whats the month and year of your car and I'll do a search for you.


If your is the Efficient Dynamics Edition, then its the lower bhp...hope this helps


All I know at the moment is that's it's a 57 plate. Was just looking myself and it could be a 177, however it could also have been manufactured before September 1st but only registered then. Guess I'll have to wait.


Its a tough one lol, under the bonnet when you get it there is a sticker telling you it 'birthday'.


Its a tough one lol, under the bonnet when you get it there is a sticker telling you it 'birthday'.

Cheers mate. Should only be a couple more days. Just waiting for them to give it a PDI.


Just phoned the dealer. First registered in September 4th 2007, which means it much be a 163 :) Boo!! Never mind, still happy.

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