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hi guys new here, recenlty bought myself my first bmw which its a 3series compact 316ti great little car altho few niggly things needing done but hey i like it lol

fistly just lookin for some advice/help if any1 has had simmler problems ur input would be great.

first thing central locking is working fine opens and locks but the dirvers door dosnt open with it need to use key but it locks fine (button goes down but not up)

second my rear number plate bulb was workin fine drivers side but i took it out to show a friend as was getting led ones just to see size shape ect. but i went to put it back in my lights were on and its not working not sure if i had to switch them off or not but dosnt seem to be working.

any input advice would helpful thanks kris.


welcome along

not sure about the key prob myself

have you checked the actual bulb hasnt blown while out, also check the connections for it, mite need a little clean? wiggle it about etc.

also check the fuse is all good


thanks for the reply mate im a bit clueless when it comes to the old cars lol i didnt think of that the bulb blowing when out? yeah i think the surrounds could do with a clean the look a bit dirty and than would you recomend anything for the or just the old wd40? thanks kris.


wd40 usually does the trick.

i had a car that had been rear ended on friday, wasnt to bad, only a small crack and new impact beam, customer said tailgate doesnt shut because of it. looked into it, nothing to do with bumper touching etc. spray of wd in the mechanism and O LOOK its fine now! :lol:

Guest Mister Dabsy

Get a new battery for your key... At least you'll know it's ok afterwards !

Have a close look at the bulb filament, check for breaks... Static can actually be a cause of failure...



alrite m8 ive had a look around it cant see any brakes in it ect tryed a wee bit of dw 40 and a new bulb still nothing! is possible the car has seprate fuses for each light? thanks

as for the new battery in key reply the locking still works passanger door and boot open and lock drivers door locks with remote just not opening have to do it manual would the battery play any part in this thanks

Guest Mister Dabsy

Hmmm... Could be a module fault then (I have LCM issues) ... Will look into which module needs attention, could be a simple unplug and replug situation but I've been wrong before...


hi wee update on the bulb tryd dw40 and new bulb no luck is it possible there is seprate fuese for each bulb?

was looking through the recipts found one for a window regulator just at xmas is it possible that who ever put the door card on hasnt sat it on properly? just a thought cheers

Guest Mister Dabsy

BMW's are great cars but some clown put a Green door handle on my drivers door and immobilised the passenger airbag, WIERD eh?

No probs, will get u some info soon mate....

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