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Took a taxi yesterday and the driver was talking about diesel costs (presumably a woe is me sorry about prices to get a bigger tip!), he also mentioned that buying your diesel from Asda, Sainsbury Tesco etc was not a good idea - he said that it burns black, and you should buy from Shell or BP. Is he talking cr*p or is there an actual benefit to paying more for your diesel and buying it from one of the petrol retailers rather than supermarkets?


I've tried both, dont see the difference.

Cant remember where and what it was called, but brought some once that promised higher proformance and more MPG...burnt like parafin in a foundry!!

Always get mine from Tesco, never had a problem


i always buy BP or esso or shell diesel.. never tesco unless i am stuck

cheap refined fuel with no additives to keep the engine clean.

Dirty EGR valve = ££££££


I bet you wish you didnt ask lol

I do disagree with Steve though.

I think all the 'top brand' fuel is just hype, like most things on the market.

I do 15-20k miles a year on Tesco fuel, also did in my previous petrol car...never had a problem


Right lads i know what im talking about here, after spending 5 years working for shell, this isnt a biased oppinion its fact, companies like shell and bp use additives in their fuel which keep your engine components cleaner, less carbon deposits etc, shell have just bought out fuel save fuel which goes further too. Ive monitored mpg and good fuel goes further and is better for the life of your engine.

performanc fuel like v-power (shell) does have a diffrence on the performance of my bm too....... but it is very expensive B)


Right lads i know what im talking about here, after spending 5 years working for shell, this isnt a biased oppinion its fact, companies like shell and bp use additives in their fuel which keep your engine components cleaner, less carbon deposits etc, shell have just bought out fuel save fuel which goes further too. Ive monitored mpg and good fuel goes further and is better for the life of your engine.

performanc fuel like v-power (shell) does have a diffrence on the performance of my bm too....... but it is very expensive B)

IMHO, fuel save fuel makes no difference, it actually made my mpg worse.

We need to do a propper experiment dont we...ideas???


I bet you wish you didnt ask lol

Seems I've started something here...

Doubt I can help with the experiment as no-one else seems to have an X1. Happy to give the Shell/BP option a go IF the extra fuel economy is worth the extra 4p a litre that my local BP charges over my local Sainsbury. With price for Sainos at 139.9 and BP at 143.9 with an average mpg of 50, if my GCSE math from 1992 is correct, Billy would have four apples and the train would arrive at 4.15pm.

Is that right?!!



I could have done a good test a few months ago, but dont do long runs anymore.

Guest Mister Dabsy

I can't test these opinions as Shell/BP doesn't seem to have any stations nearby :angry:...

I once heard a news story that Supermarket fuels were substandard and many cars "suffered" as a result of over-treating, was it the Tesco scandal? :unsure:


well i suppose its up to the individual on what fuel thy use, i wouldnt use supermarket fuel unless i absolutely had to, i did try the tesco performance fuel 99ron lmao, what a waste of money it lasted half as long as quality fuel, and the car was holding back on me. never again!!!!!!

but then you did get free silicone with some of the supermarket fuel a few years ago lol.

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