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Guest Mister Dabsy


Full fuelling (Pump at max)... Timing advanced too...

Hope you can afford the fuel :P


do it, do it, do it !! lol, ive had mine chipped rev gauge go's off the clock (roughly 8,000rmp), does use a hell of a lot more fuel but makes it so much quicker on acceleration :)


Was thinking bout it but petrol prices r mental till the year ----- ten million tbh if I do get me car chiped I so no il get pulled for speeding mayb I could out run the !Removed! astras the use hmmmm uno it does sound like I should do it!! whats under ur hood purepower ??


Members hey u after sum seedie action with me motor cos I dont swing that way -:) I mean dnt get me wrong me car she's a beaut but ... Lol jus jokin ye well I'm not photo genic but me missis is


Was thinking bout it but petrol prices r mental till the year ----- ten million tbh if I do get me car chiped I so no il get pulled for speeding mayb I could out run the !Removed! astras the use hmmmm uno it does sound like I should do it!! whats under ur hood purepower ??

i converted my 1.6L to a 2.5L and basiclly swapped everything to proformance parts...quick as hell mate just need a turbo now :) B)


Why not jus get a 328 there like 190 brake standard then play wit the engine lol get sum kick !Removed! drifting outa 1 of them bad boys !! :)


sorry havent reply'd been busy ... i cant afford to insure one of them mate ... my cars still delcaired as a 1.6 and im still paying £3000 coz its a bmw lol

Guest Mister Dabsy

Hmmmm... Bet if your Insurance knew about the re-map, they might even decline to insure you... Bear that in mind when some prick pulls across you and they don't pay out !!


Purepower how old r u n how olds ur car cos there is a great insurance that I'm with that will insure almost any car that is 15 yrs or older but u have to have held ur licence for over 5yrs I think n had no claims against u or u could jus lie lol there called footman James and there really good I'm wit them n I pay nothing more than 250 for the year full comp

Guest Mister Dabsy

Sounds great, J1... Post a link up !


Aint that just a ##### !! GRRRRRR....ive just renewed my insurance in past couple days for 650 fully comp :(

Scub that last comment,they just quoted me 1000 pound without declaration of mods :( so in a word....sod that,lol ;)


im 20 and held my licence for 3 years but have 0 no claims as been on me dads even tho i never had a point or a crash not even a parking ticket lol,my car is a 98 bud


Well all depends on how old u r how many years u been driving points n if u have any claimes it's not for every1 but worked out great 4 me at 218 year

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