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get it,fill it up then drive it like ya stole it till all your fuel's gone.welcome along too ;)


Hahhaa...320d..do it mate, you wont regrett it.

Check suspension mate, bushes, rear shocks and cracked springs.

Thats all I can offer, thats been the only problems with my 320d 2003


:)thn xgav i was reading a few of ur posts i seen u hav the same motor im liking the mpg ur getten outa urs m8

Its amazing mate, its a great car.

I have established its very near as fast as a 323 and returns double the MPG.

The torque is outstanding, its quiet to be inside...I must admit, first thing on a winter morning, sounds a bit tankish..

Outstanding engine mate, its transfered me to the oil burning side, Im never going back to petrol (535d next)

150bhp, 247 toques in a 2ld....amazing in my opinion.

You will love it mate.


had a scooby got bored of it swapped it 4 a vectra just sold that think im goina b well happy with the beamer cant wait 2 collect it now lol!!!!!


Welcome mate defo check your rear suspension mines noisy ##### end so I think I've got issues back there but then I've come from a lexus saloon to an estate so may be its just echoing around inside the car.


Its amazing mate, its a great car.

I have established its very near as fast as a 323 and returns double the MPG.

The torque is outstanding, its quiet to be inside...I must admit, first thing on a winter morning, sounds a bit tankish..

Outstanding engine mate, its transfered me to the oil burning side, Im never going back to petrol (535d next)

150bhp, 247 toques in a 2ld....amazing in my opinion.

You will love it mate.

my 318 kept up with you gav, dont forget that :P should be a just in there to i think :lol:

o and finally found out why that brake of mine was slightly warm that day, it was sticking on. but only slightly then. all good now B)


my 318 kept up with you gav, dont forget that :P should be a just in there to i think :lol:

o and finally found out why that brake of mine was slightly warm that day, it was sticking on. but only slightly then. all good now B)

And I supoose thts why you wasnt quicker, the sticky brake was slowing you down :P ;)


can any1 shed any light,on the phone there to the woman she says the airbag stays on but its a sensor that needs changin would this be true,cheers


yeah she left it in at 12 2day gav itchin 2 get down and get behind the wheel,many miles would u get outa 20 quid gav i was only getten 75 on my vectra!!!!


Round town, driving like a ##### head ( like I do), 120 mile..

on a good run, being careful, I bet you could be within touching distance of 200


You had RWD before mate?

If not, be careful tonight if its raining there as bad as it is here B)

2nd can catch you out on islands when not used to it.

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