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I only joined up today and shamelessly my first post is a cry for help!

I have a 51 plate 318SE automatic that has a blown head gasket, I sent it to my local garage who basically made a pigs ear of fixing it before giving up. Unfortunately it seems they lead me on for a few weeks about waiting for parts during which time it looks like the car was left outside, bonnet up so the engine internals could go nice and orange :angry:

Anyway.... I've been looking at a replacement block as the head has been skimmed but this particular engine doesnt seem to be very readily available, am I restricted to this one engine (either in size or model) or do I have other options when looking for a replacement?

Any advice would be much appreciated as I hate seeing it looking poorly sick on my driveway!



Guest Mister Dabsy

To be honest, the bottom-end is very strong, so unless you have a crankshaft issue I would simply rebuild her with a good top-end...


Thanks all,

Thanks Dabsy, the garage have said that the head gasket got so hot that they cant torque the head down because the threads are coming out! Everybody else I spoke to has said that it doesnt sound right that it could of got that hot which then makes me think if they have messed something else up in a big way while the head has been off so its a gamble that I get it rebuilt and find out they have caused a different problem?

The other issue is that the bores look to have a large amount of rust in them when they have left the head off and havent put any oil in the bores :(

Guest Mister Dabsy

If the piston rings are "sound" then just smear the bores with oil !

Bet they tried the old bolts LOL... You will need NEW stretch bolts in there pal.

Is the cyl-head actually OFF? And do you have access at this time?



The cylinder head is off, the engine is in bits and looking at it I couldnt really see how they had got to a point where they would have been torquing the head up! There is a head gasket kit in the boot with the new stretch bolts in so I kind of assumed they had tried those and its sat on my driveway so access isnt really a problem either.

Its just regular oil that I use to smear the bores with isnt it?

Guest Mister Dabsy

Yes mate, any oil just to prevent surface rust...

How is the block?

AND can you see any damage to the head? Have a REAL look at areas where the oil/waterways are and check for slight cracks...

You could also get a SOLID steel ruler and spread it across the mating-face of the head... Look for a slight gap ! If you see a gap then its warped mate...

Bet they quoted you too low a price 'n thats why you have it back :angry:

Wish I was closer, fella, I'd sort it for you :mellow:

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