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Hi everyone, hopefully buying an '89 530i tomorrow :D getting a great deal and couldn't say no! Only thing is im 22 so i reckon insurance will be quite high. I'm with adrain flux with a commercial policy already and I can get classic insurance so fingers crossed it won't be too high! Can anyone recommend any other insurers in case I don't get the price i want? Also opinions on the car if anyone has owned one? only done 73k and runs like a dream! haven't got a picture but I'll put one up when I have. Cheers, Rob


Welcome Rob :)

A V8 E34 :) Nice. Not worth an awful amount of money I'm afraid as they are not sorted for. I own the previous model before that. The E28 and I'm not illegible for classic car insurance so, I don't think you will be bud. I'm 21 so I know the full force of car insurance and on a V8 you will get a hard time. Only thing on your side is the fact that its an oldie.

Gorgeous engine but as Dabz was explaining to me last night, If your going to get a V8 you shouldn't really go for the 'middle of the road' one. Insurance shouldn't differ to much from the 3ltr V8 to the 4ltr. EITHERWAY your going to get awful MPG but, WHO CARES! you has a monster :P

Get some pics up matey :)



Hi mate welcome to the club

You will strugle to get a better quote than Adrian flux I been with them for about 20 years and have insured a wide range of cars from jag XJ8 to American import truck


Cheers for the input everyone! I bought it! Its actually the older 6 cylinder 3ltr engine DazH and it runs sweet as a nut, awesome smooth power :D and to be fair not too bad on fuel considering! Insurance wasn't too bad either! £900 canna complain! Gunna give it a good polish at the weekend so I'll get some pics up then!


Ahhh its the M30 engine :D When you said 530i I assumed you meant the big M60's which in my opinion rockz! You have the big brother of my engine (which is the babi-six)

Result on insurance mate!

Don't think the Manual tran is rare in YOUR version as a mate has one and I can find them pretty east. a lot of websites stress the rarity of getting a manual transmission in the 540i V8 though


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