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hi all i need some advise/help

i got a 328ise saloon yesterday,

now it feels like its holding back and dont have as much power or go as you would expect from a 2.8

it developed a very slight misfire on idle and up to about 3000rpm, but then it made a sharp jolt while driving and now missfire seems to have gone but its still feeling very sluggish

any ideas what this could be caused by???

also when sat not moving if i rev the engine to just over 4000rpm in a short burst she chucks a little smoke out but it dont smell like oil or anything never smelt it before???

the chap i got it off said it had been sat up for 5 months before me having it so wondering weather it chocked up and just needs a good clear out ????

any help or advise would be brill

thanks in advance!!



hi all i need some advise/help

i got a 328ise saloon yesterday,

now it feels like its holding back and dont have as much power or go as you would expect from a 2.8

it developed a very slight misfire on idle and up to about 3000rpm, but then it made a sharp jolt while driving and now missfire seems to have gone but its still feeling very sluggish

any ideas what this could be caused by???

also when sat not moving if i rev the engine to just over 4000rpm in a short burst she chucks a little smoke out but it dont smell like oil or anything never smelt it before???

the chap i got it off said it had been sat up for 5 months before me having it so wondering weather it chocked up and just needs a good clear out ????

any help or advise would be brill

thanks in advance!!


sorry, when you said it needs a good clear out I instantly thought of a 'certain' club member saying his a 3 sh*ts a day kinda guy and I loled a lil...

Sounds like it needs a good service to be honest matey as in, new plugs, oil, etc.. etc..

After you do that, then get back here with results.

If you was misfiring, maybe your timing isnt spot on.....



haha daz

yeh i have got a full service planned for it, just gota get the money together for parts as im going to do it myself.

my older brother had a go in it earlier and really opened it up and seems to be running smoother now, (think it might be all sooted up from where was sat up for a while)

either way once got the parts and serviced it shall post results up here.




Get your parts from a good supplier and they are cheap. For my car I can get an oil filter for like, a fiver, plugs for like 1.50 etc. etc. I'm such a regular customer, they GAVE me a new grille for my car the other week HAHA



took it up garage today and he cleared the codes i drove it abut a bit and is started missing again and cut out 3 times, so i went back and it was bringing up a code:

knock sensor

(bank 2)

anyone know what this means as the garage said it means an airleak but we have sprayed and checked every vaccume hose and air hose, checked everything but still cant find nothing

can someone please help!!!!!


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