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Hi all,

I recently bought a BMW X5 diesel sport, which I'm really happy with apart from the Audio & Visual entertainment. I bought the car with (VST) LCD's in the rear headrests and a PSP2, which sounds great apart from the fact that its not working! The Passenger LCD is working (displays "No Signal") while the right LCD seems to be broke as I swapped the leads and it still wasn't working :headbang:.

The Playstation that was installed was the block version and I have a PSP2 slimline which I would prefer to use and I can install the SMS software, plus it fits perfectly. Can anyone recommend a good Car Audio & Visual Independent specialist that has experience of installing and repairing LCD screens and in-car entertainment systems? Ideally based in London or South East that's a mobile service. I was recommended to visit a BMW dealer..... that's the very last resort as its not mechanical.

Thanks in advance,

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