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Hi all,

Now i know there are alot of post ref rust for the E30 but thought id share mine quickly as i was changing spark plugs and oil today to take advantage of the good weather,


as i was jacking it up (in the right place before you start) the floor just gave way, the mat that covered the carpet looked new so when i moved it, i saw the carpet was soaking wet and thought what the?? the sponge had soaked up as much as it could so there was a little lake on the passengers side,once i removed the carpet there was just fiberglass, think the previous owner had the same problem but negleted to say and just tried to fiberglass the gap... what a horrible mess.......

Booked into a welder to get a panel on so hopefully that should sort it.

trying to stay positive

the car use to idle a bit strange too so ordered a new rubber boot for BMW (just under £19) as mine had a split, which didnt seem to help it would idle high around 1200 then noticed a screw on the throttle body, unscrewd it a little and now she purrs around 800 - 900 revs, have i just covered up a problem??

Guest Mister Dabsy

Probably Josh... The MAF and/or the throttle-body may be coked up a little... Many Topics on this pal, but if you're struggling to find them (or bone idle) then I will walk you thru it...

All you did by turning the screw was to fuel it more. Your mpg will decrease.

If you Unscrewed it then more air is accepted.

If you Screwed in then less air, get the idea? This only affects the aux air intake...


gave all that a clean today mate took of the throttle body and everything, used carb cleaner (great stuff) till all was silver not brown then wipped dry with cloth and ear buds, i noticed when i pushed the throttle back a little it idled better so i lossened the screw to make it sit further back (if that makes sense), less air (as above), there are no more holes or cleaning i can do around that part however i did notice a small rip in the paper thing that holds the throttle body to the cylinder head (prob wrong name but hopefully you know where i mean) where the air goes in past the throttle body to the chamber but it hasnt ripped all the way through, ive looked over the forums hense the split boot (think u mentioned that), cleaned all connectors with WD40 and tooth brush, i can honestly say its clean, ive also bought another 2 rubber boots an ICV with bellows, as im keen to sort this out.

1 thing though when i was cleaning i looked into the hole where you would change the mixture and noticed a clean scrape as if some1 has tried to change it with a tool, having read the forums i wouldnt go near this, also my spark plugs were rusty / orangey colour at the bottom and i read somewhere that means rich running, really wanna do all myself but if some1 has played with this could it make the car idle quicker also that would be a garage fit right???????????

Guest Mister Dabsy

If you are talking about the MAF then that is bad, if it's the TB then its ok as long as there are no obstructions mate...


the rip is on the TB

and these r the screws...............

First 1 is the 1 i undid a little (with blue mark on)


this 1 is where i think you would change the mixture, this is the 1 i think the previous owner touched trying to sort the idle trouble, (middle top right)



Hi all,

Now i know there are alot of post ref rust for the E30 but thought id share mine quickly as i was changing spark plugs and oil today to take advantage of the good weather,


as i was jacking it up (in the right place before you start) the floor just gave way, the mat that covered the carpet looked new so when i moved it, i saw the carpet was soaking wet and thought what the?? the sponge had soaked up as much as it could so there was a little lake on the passengers side,once i removed the carpet there was just fiberglass, think the previous owner had the same problem but negleted to say and just tried to fiberglass the gap... what a horrible mess.......

Booked into a welder to get a panel on so hopefully that should sort it.

trying to stay positive

the car use to idle a bit strange too so ordered a new rubber boot for BMW (just under £19) as mine had a split, which didnt seem to help it would idle high around 1200 then noticed a screw on the throttle body, unscrewd it a little and now she purrs around 800 - 900 revs, have i just covered up a problem??

Christ on a bike, thats bad lol similar thing happened to me other than im idiotic enough to tow my car when it had no engine onto wheel ramps and the car was pulled right over them and off the other side going fru my jacking points haha

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