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Afternoon All. Just returned from a trip to weston over the weekend and couldnt help but stare in dismay at the radio cassette in my car. Wire hanging out of the player in order to connect to my ipod, just not cricket if you know what i mean. I like things to be neat and tidy...... Basically, i would love a neat professional looking ipod dock + getting rid of the cassette player (urgently) and replace with a satnav / cd player, as..... the flaming multichanger wont recognise cd's burnt through itunes or media player in any format, aac, mp3, wav...etc tried everything, it just says NO DISC....a tad frustrating as you can imagine.

Any thoughts/ideas on cost, difficulty of install, and any other options i may have to rid myself of the tape!

all the best to you all and thanks for any light you can shed....

P.S, i also want to upgrade to LED rear lights as i am sick of changing the bulbs in the boot lid.




I've got an iPod head unit in mine which wasn't that expensive but I highly rate it! It's a Sony one from Halfords I think.. About £150?


For neat and tidyness, I'd go with another OEM one.

Try a Business unit from any E46.

Should slot straight in, and is a CD player.

Try changing to better blank media to burn your Music on to mate, and the Music you burn is best in *.CDA format


I had a Sony headunit in my E39 5iver that had a Ipod cable wired into my glove box. Ipod Classic kept on 'Play All' and 'Shuffle' = Sorttteddd


Hey peeps. Thanks for the comments. The thing is, i really want to keep the car totally OEM. Maybe thats a bit finiky, but what i really want is a double din satnav. I dont want to have to sticka tomtom on my windscreen as i am notoriously bad for keeping a neat and tidy car, that means no cables dangling....yes i have to put up with the trailing cable from the cassette adapter..YUK YUK i hate hate hate it. lol.

I am gonna try the cd thing in CDA format and get some tip top cdr, thanks for the tip Gav.

cheers all


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