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Well I Thought I should

Everyone else shows off their cars when they are clean and shiny, My E39 isn’t like that. It works damn hard to earn its keep and sadly it does not get cleaned as much as it should(although I am getting a wheels refurb after the winter) so a few photos of the old hack. I will of course post up photos of the other wrecks when I get a chance

In addition to this I am bored in the office so I’m trying to kill time, so Spam or constructive post? Il let you decide



Most the photos in the Isle of Man, although the really snowy one was last year when I got stuck in Devon, this is a photo from its normal parking spot in Ramsey IOMviewvc.jpg

Guest Mister Dabsy

Great PICS Ian... Would love to park my Black Pearl on IOM mate ;-)

  • 3 weeks later...

WELL! I would like to invite you all to the funeral of my faithful slag,

12:30am at about motor legal speed limit on the M6 3 hours into my trip the bonnet took flight,, flipped up smashed the screen and has made the adlantic in a force 10 gale look smooth!, bit wobbley to say the least, oh yes bonnet is fooked

Think this is the end i fear!


Smacked the roof it did,bent the bonnet into a perfect fit over the screen and roof.managed to sit down today and have a good poke around.been lucky it seems the damage is as follows. Bonnet(£100 ish 2nd hand),roof skin £71 plus vat as my local dealer hand one on the shelf,plus a screen.so I guess 500-600 quids worth.guess the old girl isnt dead yet.photos on tuesday


Done abit of a blag today, brought a blue bonnet( wont get one the same colour as mine!) for £25 quid plus 2 bottles of wine and a pack of wine gums!


Ideas on what to day,

Do i A, paint the roof and bonnet and get here back on the road ASAP

B Repair the whole car and refurb the wheels to correct finish(they used to look STUNNING!)

C buy a sports kit de chrome it and put a set of 18 BBS on it and lower it?and then it will look like just another modified e39

Whats every one thoughts? Parts of me like the way sports look, however mine is just a old SE and it always will be?? gonna have a think about it over the next week

Guest Mister Dabsy

Don't paint the panels and do paint the chrome "LIME GREEN" :lol: :lol:

Soooooo Glad she survived the boneyard ;)


Im ignoring the Green comment.

Bonnet arrived last night, good few scratches etc on it however it will all have to be rubbed back so it doesn’t matter,

More important I CAN SAVE THE ROOF SKIN WHOOP WHOOP. Got the head lining out last night and just thought, elbow it and see what happens. And 80% of it has popped out, now all I need to do is weld the studs on so I can slide hammer the more major dents out, and paint.

Scrap??? I don’t do that! Hopefully next week I will be done, as I cannot afford the fuel bill on the Range Rover!!


DSC_0747.jpgDSC_0751.jpgDSC_0755.jpgDSC_0757.jpgDSC_0758.jpgDSC_0759.jpgDSC_0760.jpgDSC_0761.jpgDSC_0762.jpgI know how we all like photos of others bad luck, So here is my offering, replacement bonnet on, and it will be going into paint on the 20th of February. The roof doesn’t look that bad(thanks to the reflection) however when you see it from different angles you can see just how bad it is, comments welcome! So it is now parked next to the 740 until the end of the month


Guest Mister Dabsy

Doesn't look bad at all mate, phew !!

... And whats the story with the brick under the E38 ?


When it gets under the spray booth lights you will see how bad it is, no creases as such but it is all over the place!

Yes now the non starting 740, stupid FOOOOKING car, brick under the wheel as I don’t leave the handbrake on when it standing

Guest Mister Dabsy

Worth doing though matey ;)

BTW I never use my Parking-Brake either, leave it in "P" always :lol:


Worth doing though matey

Good god no! financially(and I work for a cars insurer in this area) it would be written off without a problem, however………I am attached to the old girl, she has done a lot with me, and has put up with a lot from me!.so sentimentally it had to be fix.

The 740 however, the injectors don’t fire. Stupid car!

Guest Mister Dabsy

Like I said - Worth doing then, for personal reasons if nothing else !!

As for the E38, give it to me :D

  • 1 month later...

Did I say it will be painted in febuary?.....well the bonnet was taken to the body shop today for them to do the inside,then it will be brought back,refitted and then have the outside skin and bonnet painted at the same time.

  • 3 weeks later...

Last night, she was driven to the body shop, HOWEVER, did you know it is against the law to drive without a Bonnet??

TVP were very understanding!


  • 1 month later...

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