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National tyres say they can do me a oil and filter change for 65 quid, using Castrol fully synthetic. One thing that worries me about these boys, that is the fast fit type operations, are they using the oil they claim to be. I had an oil filter done at Kwik-Fit not very long ago and ever since the yellow warning light comes on for a few seconds even though there's plenty of oil in the car. Any comments?

Please feel free to discuss these matters.

Guest Mister Dabsy

TBH Jim, do it yourself and avoid re-branded crap (also bear in mind that BMW recommend BMW oil BUT they are Not an oil company!!), go for Mobil1 fullsynth, Castrol is ok.. Valvoline is better than Castrol (Both Yankee oils)... Steer WELL clear of Duckhams and the ilk as these are "recycled oils"


recycled oil, shitI never realised such a thing existed. Is that what most of those fasting types of giving us? If so think I will have to get under the car and give it a go myself. At least that way I know what I'm getting.


"Recycled Oil" its a thing we will be seeing a lot more of in the near future, guess we won't be fully informed though!


nope,the problem persists till this day.I live 40 odd miles from the centre in Canterbury so returning is not really an option. Even if i had returned,i dont have a deal of faith in your type of operation. The service we get as customers in fast fit operations is generally abysmal. But do not despair, you are not the only centre meting out crap service. I rang National tyres on Friday midday and informed the centre i wanted an oil n filter change on Sat afternoon. I informed them i had problems in the past with them obtaining a filter for the BM,but was told they could do it no problem. I reiterated my concerns to the person on the telephone and again was given the affirmative,no probs. Ok,i take the Mrs to the airport,then head to Corby to get the job done.Going some distance out of my way,but im desperate. I arrive and am greeted by an oily individual,nah mate!,too late in the day,parts boys closed now,bla,bla and more bla.Well thanks you !Removed!! i just drove over here coz some monkey who cant tell his ##### from his elbow assured me you could do it. But hey who gives a ##### your only a customer and too dumb too know any better.

Well guess what,i was expecting them to screw up as they have previous. So i went on home and will be booking in with my local independent,who do look after their customers. There is a massive potential customer base out there,but your indifference and lack of staff training,combined with a policy of employing the socially inept,is hampering any progress. If you want to employ me as a consultant to show you where your going wrong im available in the summer. It will be money well spent and the return on investment will pay dividends.

I await your reply with interest.

Regards James T Harper

Guest Mister Dabsy

Other garages are available... I prefer my local garage, down to earth chat and info, also never get taken for a ride (metaphorically speaking) !!


Kwikfit are noticeable by their lack of comment,will mail the guy direct to see what he says.Oh yea National also failed to reply to my mail.Funny that!You cant get better than a bla bla bla bullshitin fitter from any fast fit op. lol

Guest Mister Dabsy

Local Garage or DIY Jim - Honest !!

Your book WILL be stamped as serviced, regardless (keep receipts) ;)


Local Garage or DIY Jim - Honest !!

Your book WILL be stamped as serviced, regardless (keep receipts)

Once again Dabsy talks sense, did you know most Quick fit now just suck the oil out the dispstick tube?? Personally there is a sump plug for a reason, and as the engine gets older more and more rubbish builds up in the sump.

Oil and filter from you local motor factor will be about 50 quid, plus a tenner for the 17 mm spanner and the big old spanner for the oil filter job done. Then all I do with my used oil is chuck it in the heating oil tank for the house!.

Do it yourself, use decent oil , Decent oil saves your engine!


Tricky,have you seen the oil test that was done on taxis?They used synthetic and regular,two study groups and concluded there was no difference between the two.Worth a look if you can be arsed.Just had kwik fit do mine,they put in mobil 1,some say thats a decent oil.I saw them open the containers and pour it in,and they flushed as per normal.£55.95 see why i cant be arsed getting the spanners out.

http://www.ganoa.org/Motor_oil2.htm link to article i mentioned,any thoughts? Oh yea,they put a Bosch filter in as well,saw it delivered and fitted. Big up to the Tunbridge Wells branch for good service and a genuine fast fit less than 30 mins,if they spent less time looking over da car for other jobs i would have been in and out in 15 mins.
Guest Mister Dabsy

Not that bad really, Mobil 1 is pretty expensive !!

  • 2 months later...

The yellow warning light still comes on for a short while after starting,is this coz the oils too thin,or is the sensor shagged? Yes the oil is in there,i checked. Slightly annoying but i can live with it.

Guest Mister Dabsy

How many seconds after? 5 or less is building oil-pressure, any more and it'll just be the viscosity.


must be the viscosity, as it stays on for about 5 sec or so then goes out. never had the prob till i had mobil put in. Or maybee those pirates aint using the oil they claim,and its some cheap poo

Guest Mister Dabsy

I wouldn't worry about it mukka ;)

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