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hi guys not been on for a wile so i'll say happy new year to all that read this :D

ok down to buisness a rattle started about a month into owning my e46 318 coupe it sounds like its coming from the actuall head/block

and my own suspisions are the cam chain, had a "mechanic" look at it for himn to say they all do it dont worry bout it but its gotten louder and its now driving me crazy,

spoke to bmw and have been assured that they chains dont "stretch" or break so tbh i'm back to square one if its rattling then it must be loose it does get a little better when its warmed up but still rattles on tickover

if anyne can shed any sort of light on a fix for this or poss's as to what else it could be i'd be forever gratefull :)

many thinks in advance


ps it has the 1.9 m43819 engine in it if this helps

Guest Mister Dabsy

Hello again Daz...

Get some sort of tube to your ear and point the other end over the rocker cover in a sweeping motion until you locate the loudest rattle/ticking...

BTW cam-chains can snap but it is extremely rare due to their quality !!


ok kool any hintstricks on how to get it to stop rattling if it is or am i opening a large can of worms ? lol

Guest Mister Dabsy

No can-of, matey try my idea tomorrow and get back to us !

  • 1 month later...

thanks for the tip m8 :) sry for the VERY late reply internet probs force me to use the damn phone for a wile :D

i've had a go with a tube and a very long screw driver(a mates idea ) but havn't mangaed t locate the exact spot it just seems the whole head is rattling :S

recently the oil light (yellow) has started to come back on after i pull off for about a min or so ,so i'm wondering if its getting the propper oil pressure to the top of the engine......also i have some major power loss issues now on throttle it feels like its being strangled for want of a better word or as if its on limp home mode its been sujested that the "disa" valve is to blame has anyone had this issue ?


Daz, i experience that exact same 'limp home' effect the other day!

The car cut out at the traffic lights... And slowly managed to get home.. But when i put it in reverse i felt a clunk and its back to normal.

Im thinkin my clutch is to blame because its rattling on me when the clutch is down.

If you find out the problem please let me know.

Many thanks =)


Forgot to add in my last post... Iv also got a rattle from the engine.. Been to several Bmw garages and a further several bmw specialists who have never heard it before. Some said iv got the wrong oil but im thinking it might be a chain tensioner..

Any answers to this ill be extremely grateful.

Thanks again


Faults like this really need to be heard, otherwise its guess work,Michael yours is the thrust bearing IMO


hey ian i'd be realy gratefull if you wouldn't mind :) if you give me a day, time etc then we could get something arranged and ty in advance :D

Guest Mister Dabsy

Just to add... Take off the rocker cover and run her for a short while ( I mean SHORT as the oil may spill about), should be louder and more identifyable...

I would suspect either chain-tensioner, tappets or even cam-caps !!


ok well after a weekend tinkering me and a mate have come to the conclusion that the crank pully /vibration damper is knackerd pending a call to a few suppliers only to find out its a main dealer part only at £226 + !Removed! vat !!!

not a happy bunny right now :(

ok rant over i realy appreciate the input guys its certainly helpped me get to the conclusion allbe it an unhappy one.


hey yh that would be great if you could bud :) pm me your number and we can get something arranged :) a profesional view is allways a good idea :)

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