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I'm thinking of getting a tuning box for my X5 XDrive35d but don't know which one!

There are many out there but, as they would, each company claims theirs is the best on the market!

I've been looking at these guys: www.chipexpress.com, www.diesel-performance.co.uk and www.tdi-tuning.co.uk

Does anybody have any experience, warnings or the like with any of these guys? Or are there any other companies that anyone would recommend?

Thanks in advance for your views. :)

Guest Mister Dabsy

Hiya Jade, VERY expensive gimmicks... A Re-Map would be far more beneficial AND tailored to your car, you can be involved in the re-map while it is being done. This means YOU get to choose how you'd like her to perform !!

Less money than the Gimmicky box crap too !!

BTW view thes links below





Thanks for the reply Jack.

So these are all definately gimmicks? The ones I've been looking at, although not cheap, are less expensive than a remap. What appealed to me though was the fact the boxes can be easily removed when the car goes into the garage - especially as mine will be under manufacturers warranty.

What about a Superchips Bluefin?


Guest Mister Dabsy

Some will work fine and "Might" be the slightly better option to keep your warranty, BUT BEWARE, the ECU will "note" the adjustments anyway. How much left on warranty?


Hi Dabsy. There's about a year and half left on manufacturers warranty.

Any thoughts on the Superchips Bluefin?



Received and installed my Bluefin remap today - now have 339bhp (was 284) and 664NM (was 580) at my disposal! :D Hopefully it'll improve MPG a little also!

Looking forward to trying it out on a long run down to Cornwall at the weekend!!


No, not yet - I'm hopping that Superchips are a nice bunch of honest guys and that I have somewhere near the figures they quote!


once youve had a good run around, please can we have an update on MPG and performance. Would you also advise if you get better throttle response :)

  • 3 weeks later...

As requested, some feedback after a couple weeks of driving with the Bluefin on my X5: the power gains are definately noticable. There's a hill in Devon that I go up regularly and the X5 just munches it like it isn't there, I really was extremely impressed with the performance on this hill! Throttle response also seems to be improved, most noticably at lower speeds. I'm sure fuel economy has improved too. On a run I get over 30mpg, driving no differently to how I usually would (i.e. not strictly abiding by every speed limit :D ) . Unfortunately I'd only taken the car on 1 decent run prior to installing the Bluefin (I've only had the car just over 3 weeks) and as it was so new to me I didn't really worry about the MPG on that occassion I'd have been surprised if I managed to get 30mpg out of it. Anyway, sorry it's not very technical but to summarise - I'd recommend it, power delivery is more intense and driving is therefore more fun!

  • 10 months later...

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