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Dont get me Wrong I love this car, I love it so much i did 1.7 Miles in it last year! mainly due to work, and also i was using the morgan for my topless fun. However one of the reasons i dont use it is the battery drain.

Leave it for two weeks and its flat, quite annoying! now i get around this by disconnecting the battery however i shouldnt have to do this,clearly a there is a fault some where, so far I done the following

Disconnected the radio-Still goes flate

Put a small child in the boot to see if the light stays on,which it doesnt-still goes flat

Taken the glove box bulb out-still goes flat

with the ignition off got a multi meter out and poke the fuse box to see if anything has excessive current going to it, which again it doesnt.

Now before anyone says, YES the battery is fine and YES the alternator works!

Its a 99 318 cabby.

anyone got any ideas to solve this apart from disconnecting the battery/torching it?



Had a battery drain on mine recently, though it was more serious than yours as it drained totally overnight!!

Traced this to a fault within the alternator itself, it was cross feeding so I changed it for a new one and problem solved.

Might be worth just unplugging yours to see if the drain stops, at least that way you can rule it out.


Guest Mister Dabsy

Good idea Dave, had this prob on a different motor... Removed alternator, changed it's contact brushes and a tiny reg on the rear, resulting in a massive 15v output !!

Spun the engine like a turbine and drain disappeared...

Similar to a starter fault remedy also.


Never thought of that! Seeing as the car hardly moves it might just be that! Iĺ be back on the iom late April so iĺ try then.stupid car!

Guest Mister Dabsy

Hope you haven't left the little-one still in the boot !! :o

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