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My word is MANTA!

Why? Because tomorrow I am going to Look at a Opel Manta GTE Exclusive Coupe in black, The owner has given me his word it is like "new" as its only cover 17,000 miles.

Mantas were rotten from new so lets see!

Guest Mister Dabsy

My word for today is - WHY

"Why" put yourself thru more pain, Ian :o :huh:


I used to have one,now im in the position to buy a good one not one made out of fibre glass.im excited!


Hmmmmm i like this post, but unfortunately todays word is BRAINDEAD. this describes the dithering old **** who had just stuffed his audi up my rear end :(((((


DISHONESTY - Because some evil f*uckwit sold my other half a busted car which he had to abandon on a motorway and walk home. Meaning we are out of pocket at such a difficult time as it is.


Mike, How badly damaged is the 535d?

Charlee, it hasnt been towed by the highways agency has it?If i car is left on the motorway without a person watching over it,then they do just tow it away.

Either way it appear yesterday wasnt a very good day


thanks for asking , think its just the bumper, but doesnt make it any better.. todays word is WHIPLASH x 2

. :)


Ian - Yes someone towed it away as it wasn't there when I drove home that day. He had a phone call from the police today who just wanted to know why it was abandoned. He also had a phone call from the seller who is apparently genuinely sorry and is going to help.

My word today is FAMILY - My dad has pneumonia as well as my two year old sister, living 40 miles away I feel hopeless :(

Guest Mister Dabsy

My word of the day is TANGENT...

........ Just because I think I've gone off on one ! :wacko: :o :P

Guest Mister Dabsy

My Word of the day is "Heimlich"...

Need some assistance, Kirby? :lol:


todays word is " speedbumps " just dont tell gav lol

:D speed bumps are the work of the devil

My word of the day therefore is DEVIL


Lol, there not on the car yet as I don't have a locking wheel nut thing :/ But off to BMW tomorrow to grab one so will upload a photo tomorrow :D


dam lucky u never had a puncture hun lol have u looked in the tool box on the boot n in the tyre well for it and under the covers on each side mine was in the battery well


I've only had the car since October so no I haven't lol :) If I'm honest, no I haven't looked in those places! Good thinking :)


My word of the day... PETROL!!!

I must be the only one who hadnt watched the news...

I got to work thismorning with enough petrol left to get me to a garage after i finish..

Running on fumes i just managed to get to a garage with petrol, but had to wait half an hour before geting to a pump =(

Guest Mister Dabsy


My word of the day is... MUCKY

Just bought a 4x4 lol

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