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Because my baby passed the mot today and didn't get one advisory! I was also told she's in immaculate condition with no leaks or rust :D Chuffed!

Guest Mister Dabsy

"Content" - Happy that another BMW lives !!


Like I keep tellin the Mrs,when you look after a BMW and get all the bits sorted t just wont let you down !! Shes another compact owner :)

Just gotta get her to get hers sorted now :)


Bad boys 2 as its on tv.

+1 about looking after the motor she ticked onto 310,000 miles today!

Does that count as "word of the day" being as it actually contains two words & a number?? :P


BOILER................cos I want mine finished today. Had to go back to the gym last night just to have a shower :(


BOILER................cos I want mine finished today. Had to go back to the gym last night just to have a shower :(

You must have cursed the forum mate, mine went the other day but have manage a tempory fix for the mo.

Put it this way,my boiler was the same one that was installed when the house was built !! But mines all done now,nice an new :)


sounds a bit like the we have now, one of those floor mounted jobs, that needs loads of ventalation and where the bloke put it, it hardly has none.


Rounds !!

by the time id left the gym after a 3 hour session I felt like Id gone 12 rounds !!

There is another word I could use but Id get told off !!

Guest Mister Dabsy


Please stand well back LOL


Mixed emotions: bought my Scooby today!!! 😃 My poor Zimmer Is now a donor car 😞

Probably means that unless you guys need any parts I'll never get to a meet... Still was good whilst it lasted!! Lol 🚗 💨

Guest Mister Dabsy

Thats bad news matey... What happened?


😔blew a piston m8ty, well either that or a piston ring, too much like a specialist tool nightmare for me!! So if you need any bits, at a good price for a e36 328i just give me a holla.... Cwyyyyiiiiig, ova yooooooou, cwyyyyyyiiing, ova yooooooou......

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