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Hi guys

Iv yet another problem with the money pit...

Some of you may of read that iv got a problem with my clutch.. Most likely the thrust bearing!

Now would this cause the following:

This isnt the first time this has happen btw..

Had to go visit my Grandad today in Dagenham / Barking today so blasted the car up the M25, had the windows open through dartford tunnel (im sure im not the only one who does this =p ) and got to the junction by the barking flyover all well and good, car ran beautifully! Until i stopped at the lights...

Sat there waiting for the green light the engine just cut out... I started it up moved forward in the queue, stopped and it cut out again. Once restarted it was as though it was in 'limp' for the rest of the journey, struggling to accelerate. At 3000rpm too the engine stuttered.

Clutch wasnt slipping either btw.

Got to my grandads and did minor checks.. Oil level, coolant, engine breathers, traction connections etc, everything was fine.

When it came to leave the car ran fine again, no problems until i got to the traffic lights before getting back on the M25 home when it cut out again. Started it up and back in Limp mode! All the way to the other end of dartford bridge where i decided to stop. Had to reverse at one point and then it was all fine again all the way home..

Just to add, here are my other problems incase its them:

Valve Cover Gasket leaking,

Possible head gasket leak.

Please help me guys this is driving me absolutley mad!


Hi, I had the same problem and it was the thrust bearing along with rust on the splines through to the fly wheel, this causing stalling at traffic lights, the clutch on inspection was fine. Hope this helps though expensive to repair if this is the fault


Thanks very much steve =)

Would you know how expensive?

Im plannin to get a whole new clutch assembly next pay day anyway because my clutch doesnt like harsh take offs, or drifting.. And a thrust bearing comes with the kit.

Most things i can do myself but i cannot be bothered changing a clutch with just a trolley jack on the drive =p


Just seen your how too steve, £300 is the same

Quote i got... If it stops this annoyance £300 is

Nothing lol

If my parents allowed me to get a car lift id do it myself...

Did u change the spline? Or just have it cleaned up?

Hearing ur reply though gave me relief! With my luck it always turns out more serious


Hi Michael, We cleaned everything in sight and carefully used emery paper because the slightest corrosion on the splines will cause judder, even in reverse!! Bear in mind when its all done, give it time to settle down and wear in for a few hundred miles. By the way changing the splines is very expensive!!


The m52 engine is quite a simple one to work on really,but yes sod changing a clutch on the driveway

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