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I have started to hear a sort of humming noise/grinding coming from my e36 when i start it up then suddenly move the steering wheel a little. Does ATF mean for the power steering pump or something else? Also what oil do I put in, could someone recommend me a good but affordible oil? I am sorry about all these problems, maybe i should have shopped better for a 316i compact lol




I just changed the PAS fluid in my E36 316i. Do this if the noise is coming from the steering.

If your hearing a nasty noise, the cheapest thing to do is change the fluid. Simple to do yourself. I'l quickly write something up. Don't know how technical/engine savvy you are so, i'll write it up full. This is how I do it.

- Engine off

- Remove the 22mm bolt holding the hose onto the steering rack. This can be accessed from underneath the car (on stands) and is visible by looking down near your exhaust manifold.

- As you remove it, make sure you have something to catch the old fluid as it will 'weewee' out.

- TWO washers, one on either side of the hose. Do not let them drop into the oil container as they are important (don't put them back on and you will have what I had, a drive way FULL of oil)

- With the ground protected with the container, turn the steering wheel full cut from side to side.

- (do this if you like, dunno how wise it is but I do it) turn the engine over and let the PAS pump push the old oil out. VERY effective if you hold full lock on.

- Clean the washers, put the hose back on nice and tight (DONT forget those washers).

- Fill the PAS reservoir up with new fluid. (Power steering fluid or ATF is fine)

- Turn the engine over and turn the steering wheel a few times.

- Top the fluid up as it gets pulled out the reservoir by the now active pump. Keep doing this until it is holding a respectable amount of fluid and no longer bubbling (Bled)

- Have a beer

ATF - Automatic Transmission Fluid. It is not PAS fluid but the properties are disturbingly close.

PAS - Power Assisted Steering

Reservoir - Browny/mauve looking bottle to the right of the viscous fan. Always caked in oil and dust

Beer - Most important step, do not forget. Widely available and relatively cheap. Corona or Peroni works best

Many people say DONT use ATF as PAS. Many people say ONLY use ATF as PAS. Whatever..... ATF works fine for me. Cheaper as well. Some car's service manuals state to use it so, good enough for me.

I bought 2 ltrs. I ONLY used the 2ltrs becasue i dropped the second washer and didnt put it back on. If you do this, you will loose your fluid preeeeetty quickly. You should be fine with 1ltr

Use Castrol DIII ATF from Halfords. 11.49euro for 1ltr.


(Or buy it from Fleabay)

Any more help, get back to us. Never a problem. Never apologise, its just how we roll....


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