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I have a 320d saloon msport, and the other week I accidently hit a hurb quite hard and its hasnt drove the same sinse. I didnt hit the face of the rim, I hit it straight on ( I drove over it, Passenger Side front), and sinse then the steering wheel doesnt sit dead straight, it pulls to the left, and it pulls all over when I brake. I took it to the local tyre place, and they said I it would be the tracking, so they put the equipment on, and said the tracking was fine, but they could see I had bent the rack end. So i booked it in to have it fitted the next day and have it tracked up.

The next day I got in the car, and still the same! I noticed their equipement for tracking was a bit basic, so I took it to Bush Tyres to have a second opinion, they have alot more hi tec equipment. They put it on the ramps, and sure enough once all was set up, it showed the tracking was well out on the passenger side front and rear. So I booked it in for yesterday, and they phoned me up saying they have managed to adjust it so its all correct on the computer. So i picked it up last night, and suprise suprise, exactly the same, its still pulls to the left, the steering wheel wont sit straight, and when you straighten it it goes to the right.

Its just really annoying as I have only had the car 2 weeks, and before it drove like brand new, the steering wheel would stay centre, and the car would drive true. But now I dont know what to suggest, and having now spent £150 on it and its still not being much better, I am reluctant to spend anymore money on it, but I do want it sorting as its bugging me! Has anyone any suggesttions to what it could be?? thanks guys.


Hitting a curb can cause many problems..

Here's some possible symptons that may be creating the problem..

Let me know if u find any. Im just giving possible causes of the top of my head that may cause your problem =)

Tyre Pressures!!!!!

Have you checked the tyre pressure since hitting the curb? You may have cracked the alloy or damaged the tyre which has cause loss of air.

If it was the passenger side u hit, and its lost air it will cause drag and make it veer to the left.

If pressures, tracking and alingment is all good (as they say) then i would start by jacking the car up so the wheel that hit the curb is off the ground.

Spin it round and look for any warp in the alloy, listening for grinding noises, and feel for any resistance during a full turn. ( if resistance u may have a sticky caliper piston )

Next with one hand at the top and one underneath, see if the wheel is solid or rocks feeling as though the nuts a loose ( this could be a dodgy wheel bearing )

If everything seems fine next take the wheel off!

Check the lower wishbone, see if its bent/twisted.

At the end of the wishbone nearest you you'll see a balljoint that the hub is bolted to. Using a form of a pry bar look for exessive movement. This ball joint should be stiff as hell!

Next check half way down the wishbone.. You'll see the drop link attached from the wishbone to te anti roll bar. Are the bushes good? Is it bent?

Check your suspension arm.. Does it look bent? Is it tightly bolted to the top of the hub?

Open the bonnet and find your top mounts.. Bounce the car... Are any of the 3 bolts loosing contact with the car? Also compare the side in question's top mount holder to the other side.. Are they the same shape? ( with my rock hard suspension mine were bent as hell )

Its now 4:00am and my minds gone blank as what to suggest next lol

If u find the problem please let me know =) always interested to hear as this could inprove knowledge.



I have to agree with Michael on every thing, I t happened to me on a car park kerb and it smashed the wheel bearing Which unbeknown was badly worn, Hope you solve it soon. Steve


Brilliant Michael thankyou, I am having my alloys powdercoated tomorrow, so they will be taking the tyres off the rims, so they will let me know if any have a crack. And on saturday I will dust off the trolly jack and get poking around, I roughly know what I am looking at, but I will get my friend who is a mechanic to double check. Its just soo bluddy anoying this, but hopefully I will get to the bottom of it. Thank you both for your help, didnt think anybody was going to reply. I will let you know of the outcome.

Guest Mister Dabsy

Be careful... I do agree with EVERYTING above... But they can re-align, even with a bent-arm or two... Buckled rim is obviously un-noticable if you suspect suspension etc... Confusing I know mate, BUT it really depends how hard the frontal kerbing was !


I have had the alloys refurbed today, they were fine, no cracks, or mishaped. So i will investigate more tmorrow


I didnt get chance to look at the weekend, it never stopped raining, and my days of farting around in the rain are over, hopefully its better this weekend.

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