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Hi all, im back.. Been so busy iv not had time to come on here.

As some of you will know iv mentioned a limp mode problem.

Iv just had a new clutch thinking that the worn thrust bearing was the problem..

However this limp mode is worse than ever!!

Car is fine for the first 10-15 mins but when warm will loose power.. Like a limp mode.

Idles fine but any throttle is as though the car is on choke. The car cuts out whilst stopped and struggles to start up again.. To get it out of this limp mode its gotta sit turned off for about 5 mins.

Thinking out loud iv considered the following but if anyone knows of this problem please let me know:

-Iv checked and monitored the choke (seems fine)

-Yet to change the Valve Cover gasket

-Low fuel pressure / problem with pump?

-MAF sensor

-Vacuum hoses



Hi bud not sure if any good? my mate had same sorta prob wiv his e46 328 was all good then limp mode kicked in, first thoughts were tps, when he got round to fitting a new one he noticed the throttle body butterfly was all coked up and wouldnt open up like it was all siezin up?? could be worth a look?


Throttle body is an easy free place to start.

Wont hurt to give it a good clean mate, and check for split hoses while your at it.

I did Mart77's not long back on his 323 thinking it was the fault in lack of power.

Found a split hose, added some super glue now is all good.


Hows the head gasket......if after 5 mins (of when it cools down!)didnt you mention it was low on pressure on a cylinder


The throttle body was the first thing i cleaned.. I did both the choke and carb..

Head gasket wise.. Its usig water but very slowly.. Topped it up the morning of the kent meet and although has gone down its not by much.

Trying to find time to do this valve cover gasket but hopefully today or tmw im taking to a mate with a diagnostic machine to check for any faults.

Today i actually made it all the way to work without it happening lol but just hoping its not going to be anythin too Expensive coz i wanna upgrade a model soon.

Ill keep you updated with what happens =)


Had my Diagnostic today on the car and found out e36 Check Engine Lights are tempramental!

Came back saying iv got a dodgy MAF (last time i buy things off ebay)

And a faulty Crankshaft Position Sensor

Guest Mister Dabsy

Limp-mode is usually initiated via the Gearbox (auto)... More later (Shhh)


Yea luckily iv got a manual =p lol

I was only describing the sympton as like a limp mode =)

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