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I have discovered a leak under my car which I can only assume is petrol by the smell., It gushes out like I discovered when I was picking my sister up from work. It is coming from the front end of my car and I was looking to see if anyone has a possible solution on where it could be coming from. I also seem to be leaking power steering fluid but how difficult is it to fix these problems and is there someone who can walk me through it?

Thanks very much


Guest DazH

* Topic moved to more appropriate section *

Correct me if I am wrong, you have a BMW 316ti?

where exactly is the fuel leaking from? Any specific part of the engine bay?

Steering fluid isn't to hard to diagnose. On your car it will have 3 destinations. PAS reservoir to the PAS pump to the steering box/rack. Rinse and repeat :)


PAS reservoir (Oily thing)


PAS Pump (Example but same place on your engine). Bottom right pully


Steering box/Steering rack (Cant remember if on your car the rack and box are connected via the same tubing channel or separate. Ahhh you get the idea)

they are all connected via black vacuum tubes. Clean all the PAS components/tubes and after a drive, check it all over again. The leak location should become obvious. If you don't want to drive it, turn over the engine and put the steering on full lock a few times.

Hope this helps

Feedback on your findings are important so please report back when you can :D



its a 316i compact e36 1998, I only discovered the leak yesterday afternoon and when I tried starting the car today it wouldnt start so i assume the petrol is well empty. It seems like its coming from directly under the engine i am not sure if this is enough info so I can try and put some fuel in to see excat position of leak. I have had to top up the PAS reservoir few times and the first time it seemed to have this black oil'y like substance weather thats the original fluid or not i dont know. I will try the power steering ideas and will feedback on anything i find out. I have been told to take it to the garage on wed but I would just like a general idea of whats going on and if it will cost mega bucks to fix.

Thank you

Guest DazH

If she is heavily leaking fuel, try not to drive it mate. Find out where it is "Gushing" and we can help you seal it or replace what needs to be replaced. If you don't fancy doing it yourself, try get your mechanic to come round to have a look at it.

A car with fuel 'gushing' from it, isn't a safe car. You'l be picked up by local plod or worse...


Would I be able to get my car towed upto the garage without the car started but the key turned? Yeah its made me kinda self concious about driving it when its fixed. Its still got loads of mot untill jan 2013 I thought it would all be perfect condition. I just cant wait to get it all fixed so I can try not to worry anymore.

Guest DazH

You can tow it, yes. Be aware of the breaking system as it will not have the engine to support it (it will be hard)

Guest Mister Dabsy

Just track the fuel pipes from the rear to the Injector-pump... My guess is a dodgy connection/Jubilee clip !!

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for not replying sooner guys. I found out it was the pipe coming off the injectors spraying petrol all over the engine and ground. My mechanic said I was lucky the car didnt go on fire which scared the hell out of me. Cost for to have got that sorted was £90 that was for supplying the pipe and fitting it.

Leaving it up again tomorrow for a new rad and powersteering pump setting me back £200 is this an over charge or is this a decent price? bearring in mind all fluids will be put back in.

Also will that solve my car not giving any heat inside the car? I checked the thermostat and it seemed in good condition. and I am not sure what else to check, One thing I was being told was the heater matrix could be gone but how heatic is that to change and price ranging from?

Thanks guys


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