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Car Racism

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Sorry guys but I need a rant. And instead of putting it on Facebook like most saddo's, i thought I would vent on here.

What on earth is everyone's problem with bmw's? The amount of stick I get because I drive a BMW is unreal! "Oh you drive a BMW? Must drive like a tw!t then" Even people who don't even have a license seem to class BMW's as rubbish cars, or ugly. Now I know that everyone has the right to their own opinion but why does it seem to be such a big deal? I have a clean license, indicate and don't cut people up. Yes I like to have fun when driving my car every now & again but don't people who drive Mazda's, Fords or Citreons? Don't even get me started on the amount of people that comment on my car being yellow, and not in a good way. It really winds me up. I couldn't care if you don't like the shape or colour of my car, it puts a smile on my face & that's all that matters. Does anyone else ever get comments along these lines? Feeling rather !Removed! now after some horrible comments on facebook!

Char x

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lots of people like to have a go at bmw drivers because they are jealous.i usually find the worst drivers on the road are the mothers with 4 kids in people carriers.if i was you mate i wouldnt take any notice.if you love driving your car then sod anyone else and their opinions

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Never had it said to me personally, but I know what you are saying, I think it is just the way people do things these days, just put everything in to one category, when I used to ride round on sports mopeds, people moaned about them, they have just moved on to cars, BTW I think your car looks good : )

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BMW drivers are branded twats becasue... well... to a certain point they are correct. Ever wondered why insurance is high on BMWs? It's because it's a brand desired by the "Gangsta" community and always has been. The members of the owners club tend to be a different breed but ultimately the majority of BMW drivers don't actually understand what we understand.

BMWs attract drug dealers like curry does a piss-head's white tshirt. There is a more refined lifestyle that goes with BMW but unfortunately the less refined has always been the majority.

You CAN'T let this stereotype force you out of your car as if everyone done so, it would be the end of the community as we know it.

I used to get pulled over all the time when I had my Black E39. I was young (17) and mainly drove it back from my GF's house at 3/4am. I was a piggy magnet! Welcome to the club


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Dont let the haters get you down Char,I get the same kind of grief cos of my car and how it looks,EVEN ON OTHER BMW FORUMS I got pages and pages of abuse because of it,really got me down,hence why I dont use them very much now,if at all,even tho the management has now changed on both !! I regularly get comments and get called a gangster,drug dealer,McDonalds car park warrior (on a BMW forum) and worst of all and the one I hate the most....A CHAV !!

As for the standard BMW taunts I usually just agree with the people that say them (as this usually annoys them lots).....yes I cut people up,yes I speed and drive too close on the motorway and occasionally flash people out the way (altho they normally see me coming and move anyway,lol),no I dont let anybody out/in (unless another BMW driver) and no I dont indicate (indicators are an optional extra on these cars,lol)!! And there are several reasons for this.....

1. Its all part of owning a BMW

2. Its all part of the 'Unwritten BMW Owners Handbook'

3. Its because I own a BMW

4. You dont cos your a peasant !!

Hope this helps :)

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I have my own say on this personally...

I'm a 20-year old with a 7-Series BMW that about 4 inches away from the ground. Every driver hates young people. Every driver hates BMWs. Every driver hates the fact that my car is as long as a house. Everyone hates that going over speedbumps for me is like turning upto a 3D movie with no 3D glasses, you just have to rely on the noises to experience the true horror of what's happening with very little vision of what's actually going on. So naturally everyone hates it.

Add all this with my personalised number plate and people are more than happy to make assumptions. In Luton (where me and Snypa are from) there's also this culture with ethnics driving posh cars. We have a strong population of Asian residents and they have this habit of renting superb cars out to their younger family members/friends. So on many occasions you will see a Lamborghini being driven by a much younger individual than is the norm, uninsured.

Me and my close affiliation of friends are from a higher class than most Asian residents in these parts, so we're quite lucky to be able to afford better cars than the usual 19-20 year olds; MK5 Golfs, BMW 3-Series', my 7-Series and so on. But because of the whole association of the afformentioned culture with cars, we ALL suffer.

So, the whole idea of me having my car I take the brunt of the 'oh that's his parent's car' 'he's probably a drug dealer' 'he's got that from insurance frauds' and so on. So ofcourse other drivers won't give me way.

It is pretty much down to jealousy. Nothing else. Having nice things attracts two types of people Charlee. Enthusiasts who share your enjoyment and jealous people who want nice things but aren't prepared to make an effort to help themselves.

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Have to admit I havnt really had the nasty comments and those who have commented are basically arsehole jealous!!!

I have had the odd typical BMW driver comment but to be fair from my family which is odd as my dad owns a 1 series convertible, 3 series saloon b4 that! which my sis now has! and my bro well he just thinks i have a gangster but although his is almost two years younger than me he went from a sporty one of the seat ibiza's a couple of weeks b4 I changed my BMW to a Honda CRV in black!

Worse comments have actually been from a "friend" who owns and goes to jap car shows, his comment..... BMW owners are boring farts !!! myself excluded apparently! .....

But i really dont care what people think of my car I love it !!! but still think I will actually have a moment of insanity and go change it at one point for the M3 which I sooooooooo nearly bought this time, but my sensible insurance, tax and running cost part of my brain kicked in ... god damn that part of my brain ;)

Ignore them Char you have a great car and the yellow is very cool :D

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I'm glad others have had comments thrown at them too! I do love my car, and tbh couldn't give a monkeys bum what other people think. It was the fact that someone without even a license said that "BMW's are ugly, expensive, crap and overrated" That was what wound me up and caused this topic!

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BAH, you know why that is right Char?

When I first passed my test, my Mum had given me her 316i Coupé. My first car was a BMW and I was one of the quickest of all my friends to pass AND GUESS WHAT?!

'That's not his car it's borrowed'

'He's a prick forget him'

Ohhh how obvious it was! You've got a yellow BMW, I'd STILL kill for a yellow BMW even though I've got the titanic.

At 20-years old, many of my 'friends' absolute hate the fact that I've got a 7 but I work my tail off so I've earned it.

If someone hates you for no reason, you give that ##### a reason.

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LOOOL! Love you Jas! My first car was an Audi A3 and everyone hated me for that. I paid for it myself as well as the insurance. Constantly got pulled over because I was young in that kinda car. All my friends now drive Saxo's, Corsa's & like sitting in tesco car parks "drifting" every night of the week. I work hard and my car was actually a lot cheaper than most people think! She's my bargain.

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Well that's just it you see! People don't use their heads when buying cars! For the price of a new Corsa I bought, insured and modified my old E36 and ran it for almost 2 years and it still worked out cheaper!

People who aspire to have these Barry Boy Saxos... the VTS or whatever seriously need to look around and check their options.

In all fairness though, I'd rather they make a pig's ear out of a super market trolley than something decent.

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I get it..

You must be loaded, whats wrong with a Focus, do you know what turn signals are are?

TBH (and i have never said a swear word on this forum) ##### THEM

The wife and i spent a lot of money on a hairdressers a few years ago, we work our balls of day and night with it, plus i have a 50 hour a week job.

We have to stock up Sundays, we never, ever stop.

So...yes we made a lot of profit last year, so we brought a 2008 Tigra and my BMW and my private plate.

We worked for it..we derserve it

And as long as there are haters ill never use turn signals and ill never give way.

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LOOOL! Love you Jas! My first car was an Audi A3 and everyone hated me for that. I paid for it myself as well as the insurance. Constantly got pulled over because I was young in that kinda car. All my friends now drive Saxo's, Corsa's & like sitting in tesco car parks "drifting" every night of the week. I work hard and my car was actually a lot cheaper than most people think! She's my bargain.

Do you mean THIS kinda s3xy drifting?

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Honestly, I wouldn't worry what others think, I haven't experienced this yet tbh, except from someone who thought there Audi s3 was better just cause it was faster, I do however get comments because I have tattoos and when they are bad comments I just say: your entitled to your opinion but honestly I didn't think or care about your opinion when I got the tattoo so I really don't care now. After saying that they usually don't have anything else to say, maybe you could try that :)

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Sorry to say it but some tattoo's can be awful though! A friend of mine has a massive flaming heart on the top of her arm and even she hates it! I understand everyone has their own views and opinions. I just wish some people would stick with the line "If you don't have anything ncie to say, then don't say anything at all" I approve of constructive critism but I don't approve of people putting others down!

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Ye I understand that but I like mine and they mean something to me, generally they are only awful if the artist is awful, but its when they go oh I can't stand them or hate them when clearly I don't, I agree with you be constructive about it but don't just do it for being an idiot, hence I say what I say to people :).

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