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Hi just wondering if any body had this problem, night before last my offside front&rear parking lights went out also instrument lights on speedo,tach,pet&temp ,looked at fuse found it had blown,fitted new fuse it blew instantley,then unplugged back light and fitted new fuse, re connected light and blew fuse again.i took back light off for inspection and found to be saturated with water,i cleaned it dreid it and reffited,put in new fuse and every thing working, came back home found fuse had blown again,so opened boot to check rear light fitted new fuse every thing working again closed boot and offside lights went out ,fuse had blown again,so put new fuse in shut boot and blew fuse again .i think there must be a short in the wiring in the boot but not sure yet will check tomorrow,i`m soaking wet and p**t off now, Any info would be much appreciated, Steve


Hey Steve,

I had the same issue on my E28. As soon as I engaged the reverse gear, it blew the fuse that controlled my reverse lights, temp, fuel and rev counter. It was indeed shorting and the short occurred under the gear gaiter. An auto electrician will find it pretty quickly but if you want to try yourself, you will need a multimeter and an understanding of circuits :)

Keep us posted,



Hi Daz, had a fiddle with wiring in the boot where it comes though a grommet,must be short there some where, every thing working for now will need to trace faulty wire though. have a very happy christmas, regards Steve.

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