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been looking at thermostats, now ive come across a thermo with housing and gaskets for 55notes, or just a thermo for 10 notes,

question 1

which option would you guys go for?


changed one thermo in my time on a mitsi paj 3.5l v6, will it be as simple on the 323i se?

question 3

deciding upon my problem being thermo related:- symptoms..... temp needle hardly gets out of the bottom section on temp gauge whilst in normal use. idle it sits at required temp... my solution recitfy would be thermo? whats you guys views?


ps new owner too bmw's first one ever,....


Hey and welcome to our community,

You do not need to change the housing. 99% of the time, it comes off in one piece and perfectly re-usable. My thermostat housing (Same one as yours) came off in multiple pieces but this is because it came off a 1991 engine with 200k on the clock. I basically had to break it off...

You DO need to change the gaskets. There is a gasket that goes around the thermostat and one for the housing. If BMW/Supplier says there is no gasket for the housing, use grey silicon sealant.

To be honest, I don't completely understand your diagnostics but if your worried about cooling, change the thermostat. They are nice and cheap..... Simple

Please introduce yourself in our Newbie section, Would be nice to know a bit more about you and your car

Hope this helps,



cheers daz

ill try explain a little better

when the car is left too idle temp gauge builds up and reads midway

when driving, needle drops all way down too blue section, blowers start to blow cold,

so just assuming its the stat, if not mayb a air block??


Guest Mister Dabsy

Stat is stuck in the "open" position... In motion the engine forces the water round quicker and cools faster with the natural air flow... Whilst stood, the flow is slower and heat is dissipated much more slowly !!


Mine was exactly the same sitting ticking over nice and warm, drive it cold. Changed the thermostat all sorted and running a lot better too.


cheers guys, so far about 700 sheets spent on motor, front suspension struts, springs, wishbone bushes both sides, front breaks, 4 new tyres, .................

have rear pads and shoes ready to fit, and will get a thermostat and get that fixed

next fix, but working where too start is the stiff throttle pedal

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