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Hi, I'm new to the x5 scene. Just purchases a 2002 4.4 v8 sport model which I love. I have a few teething problems which will hopefully turn out to be nothing.

I noticed when checking my coolant tank it was fairly low so topped up yesterday, this morning I went for a drive, a few hours after I got back I went past the car a noticed the expansion tank cap was hissing and the coolant had slightly dropped from max, is this normal?

Secondly the sat nav keeps coming on and off as if I have a faulty connection or damaged cable, any idea of where to begin looking or a likely cause?




Hi mate and welcome

Keep an eye on the coolent levels and make sure you top it up with the correct coolent ie red or blue

As for sat nav I found enemy I had my 52 plate 4.6 the sat nav was so long winded to input data that I never used it always used my phone or Tom Tom


Hi Mark welcome to the club.

Has the car had any previous work on the coolant system?

Does the temp needle sit nicely on the halfway mark?

Guest Mister Dabsy

The expansion tank should not "Hiss" unless the cooling system is over-pressurised, bad sign of gasket failure.

Loosing coolant only happens in two ways - a puddle or thru the exhaust ! The first being an easy fix !!

As for the SatNav - chase the wiring, unplug and replug all connectors on your way, particular attention to the receiver in the roof ;)


Hi, I'm not sure of if the car has had previous cooling system work. Is there anything that should be done around 100,000 miles?

I changed the expansion tank cap last night this solved the hissing problem straight away, the car hasn't lost any noticeable amount of coolant since. Is it possible that could of been the problem?

Thanks for all your help

Guest Mister Dabsy

Yes definitely ! If the rubber washer or cap-spring is failing then it will "Blow-Off" quite easily as it is allowing the coolant to boil !! ;)

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