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Ok as some of you may already know I had all my power tools stolen from my locked car on my drive.

I want to make you aware that these dirty low life scum have device that can unlock your car without damage or setting the alarm off.

It's a device that send out remote signals that mimic your key fob.

The guy from SOCO gave me a bit of advice now if you have the function where you can stop your indicators flashing when your car locks/unlocks thus will reduce the risk of them targeting your car as they don't waste time trying all cars in area just the ones they know are unlocked ie indicators flashed.

Also most common time they strike is between 04.30 am and 6.00am.

So if your laying awake at this stupid time in the morning and see your neibours indicators flashing have a quick look out the window don't just turn over and think poor Dave got an early start thus morning !!!!!

Also remember dint leave any thing in your car as they will take everything they cleaned mine out tools , sunglasses loose change.

They even tool an A to Z from my next door neibours glove box


Disgusting people..I'd love me and my dog to have 10 minutes with them in a locked room

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Guest DazH

Disgusting people..I'd love me and my dog to have 10 minutes with them in a locked room

I would love 10 minutes in a locked room with my slide-hammer mate


Tonight I will be sitting up with my riffle as I've seen the same pikey in a white van drive up my cul de sak and turn round slowly looking at my drive there's no need to drive up my road unless you live there or visiting.

Once your lost

Twice your stupid

Three times your a robbing ####

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