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hi all,

just nipped out to the shops there , when I noticed the car was chugging and the engine management light was flashing !!! any ideas??? its a 318es tourer 2004 ....

thanks in advance


Guest DazH

The engine management light basically is your car saying.... "Arghhh My Engine! Solve It...."

So, with that in mind it can mean anything. You say it's chugging? Is this something you Feel and Hear? Is there a noticeable performance drop when you sink your right foot? Any smoke emitted from the rear? Did it stop when she warmed up? When is the last service?



i managed to get a mate to have a wee look ....and his meter gave us the code for a faulty coil pack on number 2 .... so i need to get my finger out and get one off e-bay or main dealer....

thanks guys for your help and ideas


Guest DazH

A coil pack makes alot of sense bud. Basically she was missing. You can change the coil pack yourself no probleeeeems



well not sure about the coil pack idea!!!got 1 today and changed it . but it made no difference....now getting fault codes




could the wiring loom be faulty???



Guest DazH

well not sure about the coil pack idea!!!got 1 today and changed it . but it made no difference....now getting fault codes




could the wiring loom be faulty???



The connectors to the packs may be at fault. Swap test the packs between cylinders and see if it changes anything.


we have had the coil packs out one by one and put a spark plug in them to check for a spark ....and it seems fine ... once wee return them into position , the car still is dropping a cylinder.....the guy helping me is mystified lol :wacko:

Guest DazH

Maybe a sensor is out messing with the ignition timing..

Guest Mister Dabsy

CPS (cam or crank) can cause this, but is it the SAME cylinder the codes are referring to? Or the same coil-pack?

How are the plugs? Are they sparking a lovely light blue? Are they oiled, white-spotted or a lovely coffee colour?

Guest DazH

CPS (cam or crank) can cause this, but is it the SAME cylinder the codes are referring to? Or the same coil-pack?

How are the plugs? Are they sparking a lovely light blue? Are they oiled, white-spotted or a lovely coffee colour?


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