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Steve last won the day on July 21

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  1. She passed the MOT ok trev?
  2. history and good old gut feeling. Condition and loads of history with money no object kind of ownership. What i do with cars with expensive parts is i build up a car slush fund, over time you can dip in to the slush fund to maintain it. Build up the car slush fund to a level that if anything bad happens u can cover a big chunk of it. Like a personal warranty where the money is in your bank and not a warranty / dealers bank account.
  3. Hey Steve! Are you located in the US? 

  4. used to be really busy until we got bullied by the big boys as we were stepping on their toes. Little man vs goliath 🙂
  5. Welcome to Bimmer Owners Club - BMW Forums. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  6. welcome to the club mate
  7. welcome to to the club mate
  8. welcome to the club mate
  9. welcome to the club mate :)
  10. Welcome to the BMW Owners Club Pit69 :)

  11. Welcome to the BMW Owners Club bmw3seies :)

  12. Welcome to the BMW Owners Club Daw2828 :)

  13. Welcome to the BMW Owners Club berky384 :)

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