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Everything posted by Leeg1974

  1. hi, just wanted to say iv uploaded a video on YouTube titled bmw e53 ticking noise, any suggestions please get back to me, kindest regards Lee.
  2. I had a visual inspection and iv sprayed water on belts and pulleys, they or it is making a very slight noise and completely disappears when water is sprayed but nothing out the ordinary, and ticking is still there, I first thought the ticking was best herd down by the bonnet open latch (grill area)that is were it seems loudest, but it could be the front top off engine it's hard to pinpoint, (I'd say it's like a bad tappet noise but not loud, can't hear it in cabin only at front off car, if previous oil was 10w40 or something like that. could it be because I have put 0w30 in.
  3. Hi, I serviced my e53 3.0d today and now iv got a slight/suttle ticking noise coming from front engine bay, ( I think belt area) I'm 99% sure it's not coming from engine but could be wrong, I put castrol edge 0w30 in and filled to the top mark, I no its a bit difficult to pinpoint by saying front engine bay but was wandering if any common problems with ticking in that area. Also I can only hear at idle if I'm stood at front off car and it only does it when warmed up.
  4. Yes LED, thought there might be a problem with them, have you tried any LED interier "error free" bulbs, are they really error free...
  5. Hi all, has anyone tried fitting the e53 with logo lights in the doors or are they not fitted on the e53 due to cambuss error. Some might say they look "tacky" personally I think they look quite cool 😁 and would like to fit them if it's possable.
  6. Just received upgrade vortex type breather, is it correct that the breather part is just pushed into place and held buy a rubber o ring, (I'm prob wrong but just seems that wouldn't take much for it to fall off the assembly)
  7. Hi, as tittle States, I'm a bit confused about selecting the correct engine oil for my 2003 x5 3.0d, I have read several posts regarding types but no definite (this it what you use) any help will be very welcome. 😀
  8. Awesome, thanks Paul, was just bit concerned that I buy new breather kit and it's not direct replacement, Been looking online about changing it and it does seem to be bit off a pain but thought for peace of mind I just as well change it wile I'm doing air filter. Thanks again for reply.
  9. Hi Steve, no help there mate with pvc or pcc breather or whatever els it might be called, found a lot out about dizzy spells and headache,s tho, Ha.
  10. Hi all, and happy new year, hope 2015 is good to you. I'm going to do a oil and filter change soon on my 2003 x5 3.0d iv been reading that breather also known as pvc ( I think) should maybe changed, does anyone no if I have the sponge type breather filter and if I have is it just a case of buying the upgrade breather and swap over or do I have to buy certain type breather upgrade... Or is there just one alternative. ( if that makes any sense) ha, it makes sence in my crazy head.ha. I think.😜😄 pic of the beast.. 😊
  11. Hi Dave, the snap in bits, are they located behind the rear seat, I'd say approx 4" long. If yes can you have the bits without the shelf as I think I have the snap in bits already fitted.
  12. hi, I'm also looking for a black 2003 e53 load cover, I was quite confused as to what one I needed but I was pointed in the right direction buy a fellow member and I am 99.9% sure it's the one with the bars and not the retractable one.
  13. Sorry to here that Mike, my boot has slight bit resistance just before it latches shut, if you haven't returned them yet I will measure mine and let you no just to make sure you have the correct springs, that way at least you will now it is the struts or springs, I no it won't help your situation but if I can work out how to ill post a quick video also. I thought it would just be a bit of a gimmick and show off piece but in the couple weeks iv had them fitted the feature has been very very handy, especially for Xmas shopping, loaded up like a over worked mule I just pop the button and bingo just sling the bags in. No in all seriousness it's come in very handy.
  14. Thanks dilly,
  15. Thanks Bruce,
  16. No problem, as long as your struts hold your boot up they should be ok, keep us posted.
  17. eBay mate, item number 251715607390' think seller sells for varity off cars.
  18. Hi, I fitted them to my x5 about a week ago, just unscrew top off the strut, slide spring over, heat up bit heat shrink that was supplied with springs to keep in place, put top strut back on, job done, works a treat.
  19. Hi, I'm looking to buy a 2003 e53 rear load cover in black, if anyone has or noes off one please do comment/message me as I will be very happy to purchase, thanks in advance. Lee.
  20. Hi all, recently purchesed a e53 x5 3.0d 2003, iv joined a couple bmw forums and there great but mostly American owners, nothing wrong with Americans I must add but wanted to communicate with people bit closer to home so I registered here and I'm really glad I did, iv scanned through very quickly and it looks very good forum with my kind people, ha, I'm not to keen on stock/standard look so will be doing suttle modifications on my x5 and look forward to getting help/suggestions from fellow and fellow ess members. 😜
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