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  1. the little jet hole is on the wiper arm at the end which you can pull up to expose the locking nut, if not then it is missing from your wiper arm, if so you need an old wiper arm purely for the plastic jet which pushes into the hole on your wiper arm. A new one is only about £7 which will come complete. jeffers
  2. Hi Jeffthro, Like you I too used to play sport, cricket first then Hockey, was 21-23 then injured both knees in consectutive years which put paid to that. Worked them to hard and trained twice a week outdoor, twice a week indoor, 3 games a weekend and went over the top with fitness back then, took many years to get knees back in shape, i think playing keeper in hockey did some damage but playing out at inside right finished them off with full length pitch runs, one of my positives was being able to run very fast then, more of a jog nowadays lol. As for missing playing I agree, but not sensible now so golf(learning amateur)fishing (lifelong since 4yrs old) and landscape painting are my pastimes all at leisurely pace. jeffers
  3. 59 for me , just short of the big 60, my how time flies I can remember my teens like yesterday, the 70,s was an era to remember especially for music and entertainment.
  4. Hi Malcolm, Pleased its working, now you have to twist the little jet hole water comes out of with pin or small screw driver towards window very small bits at a time then you will hit window with water.Its very fine adjustments you need to make, have fun. jeffers
  5. Hi Malcolm, When mine stopped working I took off cover on inside of hatchback then took off plastic T piece (joining pipe) off and prised open to find small soft rubber disc inside, I removed this and water was streaming out when used. Try this and see if it works for you too, good luck, jeffers
  6. Welcome to the BMW Owners Club jeffers :)

    1. jeffers


      many thanks steve

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