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Matelot Mike X5 56'

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  1. Thanks very much for that mate, i think I've located it. Hopefully its that. Thumbs up for that website by the way. Helluva website Cheers, Mike
  2. Good afternoon, Anybody have a list of where and what each fuse does? My wife's cigarette lighter has stopped working which she uses for satnav etc. Just wondering where the fuse is hoping for a quick fix. She has a 2013 1 series f20 Thanks, Mike
  3. Good afternoon, My wife really wants parking sensors fitted to her car. Has anybody done this on a 1 series F20 so that its all integrated with the onboard computer OEM style? If so whats the best way to go about it? Yours, Mike
  4. hello mate. I know this is an old thread but my wife has the same issue as you did, no combox, but would like bluetooth audio, parking sensors etc on her 1 series F20. Did you get it all fitted? If so how did you go about it?
  5. Hello mate really sorry for the late reply. It turns out it was a tyre that was causing the problem. Not through bulging however, the guilty tyre was bald in the middle tread due to my wife over inflating it. Changed the tyre and it fixed the problem. Unfortunately the day after some dafty crashed into the back of her at a roundabout and we've just got the car back today. Still one for the memory bank if i ever experience a wobble again Thanks very much, Mike
  6. Evening all, Just drove the wife's 1 series last night for the first time in a while, and i noticed that when i was driving at relatively slow speeds (10-25mph). It felt like i was having to fight against a wobble through the steering wheel, as if i had a flat in the front wheels. I felt it more when i was turning. Obviously first thing i checked was the tyre pressures which turned out to be fine. When driving up to 50-60mph, no problem was evident. Everything felt very BMW and tight as a drum. Anybody any ideas? Thanks, Mike
  7. Unfortunately those aren't the type of lock nuts that i need, the lock nut i require has the little pattern inside it, kind of looks like a flower. I'm taking the car to a local independent garage on Friday, said he'll take tenner per wheel so not too bad. Thanks for getting back though mate, much appreciated
  8. Evening all, I have managed to break the lock nut on my wife's 1 series so now i can't remove the tires if i need to. I have been looking at lock nut removal kits but don't know what to choose, the reviews on ebay are a hit and a miss. I have already been to my local BMW garage and none of their master keys fit the lock nuts. Has anybody experienced this before and got themselves a decent kit? I don't want to spend a fortune on a kit either. I would rather get them out using a designated kit rather than smash a socket on them. Its worth mentioning that these nuts are the super anti-theft floating collars. Yours, Mike
  9. Panic over, found the will to go back out and sprayed the latch with wd40, left it a few seconds to think what i was going to do next and tried the handle, opened not a problem. So got the door card off and worked and sprayed the latch until i was happy then generously applied that lithium grease greydog was on about. Its all on now and everything works (thank god). I'm half tempted to take the door cards off all the doors and lubricate the latches to prevent this happening again, because that was a pain in the !Removed!. Thank you very much to both of you for your patience and advice Mike
  10. Right guys i'm at the point where i've meant to hook the mechanism and open the door, but it hasn't went like that. I'm stuck. Don't know whether i'm hooking the wrong bit or it just isn't working. i've hopefully attached a couple of pics. Is it any of the parts in the photos i have to hook? i'm trying to hook where the little ball socket is, well the bracket that its attached to. but i'm getting nothing. And when i operate the outside handle, it seems to be at its maximum travel (photo on the left hopefully) in the fully open position, so how can i open it when its at its most open position with th door handle? where am i going wrong? i haven't put the door panel back together just left it in a rage lol
  11. Afternoon, Should have asked this before i went on holiday so a i can hit the ground running when i came back but i was too excited. Anyways, ordered all my bits and bobs should be here today/tomorrow. My final question is (hopefully!), do i have the window down from beginning to end or after i've taken the door card off? Thanks again, Mike
  12. Thanks for the replies fellas, I wish i had just jammed my seatbelt in it but unfortunately not lol. So you reckon it has just seized up? i hope it has. And when u mention lubricating and working the mechanism, is this from behind the vapor barrier or from where the latch contacts with the car? (if you had the door open and looking at it side on). Going back to removing the door card, how do i pry the sides away when they are tucked nice and neatly away? Do i just lever it open as much as i can from the top? Mike
  13. Afternoon all. Has anyone ever removed the door panel from front passenger side whilst the door is closed? My door won't open from the outside or inside and i need to have a look inside to see what the issue is. Removing the panel with door open is easy enough but with it closed its going to be a different kettle of fish. Has anyone got any neat tricks or tips to get it off without breaking anything? MOT is fast approaching so ideally i need this issue squared away before the garage will have to get involved. Thanks, Mike
  14. Hi all, Possibly going to buy an X5 e70 this week, haven't physically seen it yet. Anything to keep an eye out for? Its the 3.0d xdrive, 75,000 miles. 6 years old thanks
  15. Hello mate, I got the discs changed again as the garage said the pads were fine, and i really took my time wearing them in this time to be make sure i gave them plenty of time to bed in. But funnily enough nothing has changed, both the garage and i haven't got a clue as to what is going on. They said they have exhausted all options and advised me to seek help from another garage. That was months ago and tbh i have just kind of ignored it, and i'm in the navy as well so i haven't been here for most of time. I am actually looking at buying another X5, e70 model this week hopefully. If not theres a specialist BMW garage i am going to take it to. Sometimes i also get a wobble in the steering wheel like my balance is out, without braking. Has your friend had this too by any chance? Thats another mystery to add to my problem even though i've had the wheels balanced twice in the past year. Sorry i couldn't be more helpful
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