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Everything posted by shakes

  1. 1993 525 tds se auto What type of fuel pump have I got? Wondering if anyone has used a mix of SVO or WVO. I understand the type of fuel pump is critical. Anyone got any experience in this? Cheers
  2. Got a window regulator from a donor car. Took a while to fit but done now. Worked for about 10 minutes and broke again! Turns out the donor car's white plastic lugs were weak, same as my own, so ordered new ones from Fleabay. Added rubber washers to my doorclips, made the door close with a much more satisfying clunk, and no more rattles :-)
  3. Looks like it may be vacuum brake pump located on the end of the camshaft. Found only because I sprung a sudden engine oil leak. Local mechanic diagnosed the vacuum pump as the culprit of both different symptoms. BMW dealer wanted £240 to order the pump from Germany. Fleabay can courier one from a "broken" car in two working days for £29. Here's hoping this resolves brakes and oil leak
  4. Ok I'll check the hoses, 'cos pedal does stay firm. Noticed that hoses look recently changed so will blow thru them to check. Thanks Dabsy
  5. Cheers nutter. New master cylinder seal it is then. Any suggestions where or how I check for an air leak. Loose brake unions? Maybe it's better to start with new master cylinder seal.
  6. E34 1993 525tds se After a few seconds of braking, as I slow down to 2-3 mph I seem to lose all servo assistance. Find myself pushing down on the brake pedal with all my weight just to bring the car to a stop. Any ideas? Cheers
  7. Turns out it was the scissor-type linkage. It was bent out of shape. Both arms had come out of the plastic sliding lugs housed within the runners attached to the bottom of the glass. Both the plastic lugs had partly broken too. Seems to me I need the plastic lugs and the scissor type arrangement from a donor car. Even better, a reasonably priced mechanic who knows these cars. Anyone know one around Brighton in East Sussex? Cheers
  8. Hi, My first time here with my E34 1993 525tds SE Driver's side electric window doesn't move up or down, but it's motor makes a sound, like it's running, and a regular tick tick sound. Any ideas before I take the door panel off? Cheers Shakey
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