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Bonzo last won the day on July 13 2020

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  • First Name
  • BMW Model
    2.8 Z3 "Z3lda"
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  1. I bought my new sills mail order from BMW dealer Rybrook Warwick, in 2016, cost £125 +vat. Very helpful chap called Jason, in parts. Cheers, Bonzo.
  2. Okay, enough already about bras, now lets get on to stockings and suspender belts!
  3. I often get a high pitched whine when my wife is in the passenger seat....................
  4. She could always tuck them in her knickers!
  5. We must be of a certain age!
  6. How very perceptive of you!.................I guess it's a generational thing...... Personally, a Z4 does nothing for me, but my son and his partner love them. A bit like Ferrari, their cars from the 60's and 70's (especially the Dino 246) to me are things of beauty, whereas today's models are so much more angular and aggressive. Bonzo.
  7. Skip it mate, go for a pre ass lift 2.8 Z3. Far better looking motor. Retro is the new coooool. :rolleyes:
  8. There's lots of stuff you can do yourself on these cars. Just check the forums knowledge bases. Also google the tasks on youtube! Bonzo.
  9. The only buttons I'm interested in are the ones on suspender belts!...... Bonzo.
  10. If its in good nick, £75 is a good price. Go for it. Bonzo.
  11. I cleaned the tweeter mesh thoroughly and then went over it with a black felt tip permanent marker. 2 coats and it looks perfect. Cheers, Bonzo.
  12. Awful things!
  13. Try looking at the seal around the top of the windscreen where the soft top sits. Does it happen with the soft top down? Bonzo.
  14. Thank you! I think Montreal Blue is a superb colour, especially the way it catches the sunlight....... But then, I am biased!! Bonzo.
  15. Why thank you sir. Here's a few I found in a rush! She is beautiful, ( like all Z3's). I just love the way her lines flow, with no sharp contours and few straight lines. I never tire of looking at her. Her name is Z3lda...... My wife doesn't understand how a man can feel about a car! Cheers, Bonzo.
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