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Everything posted by chesterpiglet

  1. Hi all. I spend a lot of time in France & yesterday I put €20 of E10 Petrol in a half full tank & have now got the Check Engine Light on....................... Filled up with RON 98 today so hopefully it will clear it but my advice to anyone tempted by the cheaper E10 is don't be despite what it says on the pump sticker. I know the codes have to be cleared by a reader but will the CEL disappear when the car is satisfied the problem has passed? Many thanks Rob
  2. Many thanks. Here is a photo of the Isetta it is a 4 wheeler as most were but it was Brighton built in 1958 & is semi automatic-it has no clutch pedal. It was called a Smith's Selectroshift http://www.wgvormgevers.nl/isettablog/images/pdf/smiths_selectroshift.pdf It isn't the original colour but has been on the car now for over 26 years. 298cc single cylinder air-cooled 4 stroke engine-13hp!!! Trying to find a pic of the bike as the old pics are stuck in an old PC. Regards Rob
  3. Hi my name is Rob I have just returned to BMW as my daily driver after having a Mercedes E320cdi Avantgarde for the past 6 years. I say returned as I have a 1958 BMW Isetta 300 plus-the car which saved BMW from a Daimler Benz takeover in 1959, I have a 1937 BMW R35 motorcycle & collect BMW badges. Does anybody on here collect old BMW badges? Most of mine are with the old serif letters & at last count I think I have around 38 different ones including 1 from a Dixi. Best regards Rob
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