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    BMW X5 4.4 SPORT
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  1. Hi My gearbox fail safe came on about six months ago and was loosing drive after coming off a motorway or fast road, Then was sticking in 3rd, So i took it to a transmission specialist in Morley near Leeds, They took the gearbox out re conditioned it and fit a new torque converter, All the lot for £1200 and it is like a new car now, Hope this helps if you want the garages number then get back to me and i will sort that out for you, Kind regards Nigel.
  2. Hi I fitted a Witter swan neck towbar and mine was second hand with no keys i just got in touch with Witter in Holland gave them the no and they sent me 2 keys for a fiver and they work a treat, Hope this helps, If you get stuck get back to me and i will go through all my emails and see if i can find the address for you,
  3. Hi Thanks for that i will give the wires in the boot a coat of looking over as i have put another CD exchanger in and on the screen it comes up cd but nothing plays so the trouble could be in the same area, I will give it a try and keep you posted thanks.
  4. Hi has anyone had the same fault as me, The radio is on then hit a bump in the road and radio goes off, press the volume button twice and radio comes back on sometimes and sometimes it will not come back on for ages, Hope someone can help as it is so annoying.
  5. Hi has anyone had a radio fault like i have, the radio is on i hit a bump in the road radio goes off, Press the volume button twice and sometimes it comes back on and sometimes it wont come back on for ages, Hope somebody can help as it is so annoying
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