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    E39 525 TDS
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  1. Thanks btmaldon
  2. Hi All I hope somebody can help. I was cleaning up errors with on my car with PA soft, because I had replaced a abs sensor. I also found an error on the ews, so I went into the ews option, coding and then into settings and manufacturer data, and now beguines the stupidity :angry: , and don't ask me why but on the DME/DDE Interface I changed ews 2 to ews 3, thinking if anything whet wrong I could change it back, I found out that you can’t change it back. Well now the car won’t start and I can’t change it back to ews 2 because the option is in light grey and want let me press on it. So I went in to the ews with NCSEXPER, I found that the ews had "EWS_3_SCHNITTSTELLE" is set to "aktiv", but should be set to "nicht_aktiv" I tried changing it but I get the following error Could anyone help me out??? :D
  3. I have a E39 525 tds, I live in Portugal. And I really don't like talking about myself :D I hope to contribute to the forum. Thanks
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