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    X5 4.4i sport
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  1. I did have help removing the box.. Used ramps car jack and stands.. Hard bit was getting it from under the car...used planks of wood.. !Removed! worked a treat.. Dont think i want to do it again any time soon...took 9 hours... Do you know..truthfully i WAS thinking at the time to use my original torque converter but was being lazy due to oil pouring out when you take the converter off.. Maybe teach me a lesson... Seem to get better response for gearbox when I put it in sports.... Gonna change the oil and filter and see what comes of it.. I will update
  2. Nice one greydog....ITS a zf 5hp24 The gearbox was a beast.. Easy to get off. Hard to get on. Been away for a while...gonna Get filter and fluid changed...GOT 20 litre container of the good atf stuff £120..might flush gearbox twice..get some good clean atf im there Got four error codes 31 049 symptom gear check 32 050 gear check 1 8D 141 egs signal line disturbed 01 001 watchdog reset Codes 31 and 32 seem to come back after reset and drive.. Will update...
  3. The gearbox has come out of a 72000 vehicle..which i drove before taking the gearbox off...i Will admit that I simply changed the box over and did an oil change but had wrong filter..shop had no filyers só PUT the old one back on..the jerking seems to be the only problem in both forwards and reverse from start..but once its going very smooth.. Being told it needs to run in, another person says it needs filter and oil change.
  4. Just had gearbox changed and having issue with gears. When you select drive car jerks before moving off this is the same when selecting reverse. Any help would be grateful
  5. Once again...greydog to the rescue...looks like I got my weekend cutout for me...YET AGAIN
  6. I had the exact problem with my car.. You will need a 5m iso harness adaptor.. Cable goes from boot area to front of car.. Around £30-£40.
  7. I have noticed my car bmw x5 4.4i e53 2001 has a very noticeable creaking from rear...but not always from start up more intermittent once driven for 5-10 minutes Happens more often when going over speed humps When its wet (raining) no creak... Hot and sunny..creaking. Sound comes from drivers side rear wheel area. When I Park car I can sometime hear creaking from rear of car when im walking away.. Not sure what it could be...any help please
  8. Thought id give you an update..After all the sweat and tears of buying and changing parts....IT turned out to be a faulty maf sensor ( brand new from dealership) was faulty...my mate did voltage test on maf....dead as a dodo...money returned as was not willing to wait 3 days for another...ended up buying second hand bosch maf from breakers £26.10....And michael knight eat you heart out...running perfect 1000% better and much smoother... Wont have to service car now...New plugs, coils, egr valve, oil change and filter (magnatec), fuel filter, fuel pump, valve cover gaskets...£620 spent...when it could have been only £26:10... Story of my life... Thanks for the help mate...i learnt a few things along the way...valve covers were the worst job of all. Cheers
  9. Ok..ive ordered new maf...bosch...!Removed! expensive.. I got a UK model I think im gonna spend some money and replace the whole air system.. Ill update...And Thanks for info
  10. This is a big issue to me mate If I start car...when cold and then remove maf sensor connector...IT becomes speedy González...then when warm it has no power..If i leave connector off overnight and Start car in the morning car it has no power at all...confused.com I have no blowing or suction at the air filter pump or the egr...im gonna strip it all down
  11. Hey..greydog.. Need your help yet again. Ok..fuel filter charged,fuel pump changed, changed all coils and plugs..valve cover gasket also done, new maf sensor.. Ok..ongoing problem....i removed the maf and air filter intake...And whilst car was cold...IT shot off like a rocket....memories......pointing that its not the injectors or the cat...(thank god)...only when it reached normal operating temperature it lost power to the point that it had no power whatsoever..that I had to switch over to lpg...im now worse than being at a loss..saying this only thing I have not changed is the egr valve... Can it simply be that or something else.. Any help please mate Thanks
  12. Thanks once again...looks more than likely im going to have a week off work and going to do a complete strip down of fuel and exhaust..before it gets worse.. Thanks again mate.. .
  13. Hey greydog.. Thanks for all the pointers. Update....New symptoms... If I accelerate hard it sounds like a bang coming from underneath of car..more of a loud popping sound...sounds and feels like a missfire but not from rear of exhaust more to the front At my wits end... Now being told by garages thats it..cat converter, oxygen sensors, egr valve. I have noticed oil leak from valve cover..but dont think thats it.. Any more suggestions please...
  14. I get the rattle on cold start....if I let it cycle .I get nothing...ill give your idea a try....thanks mate
  15. Maf sensor fine...not showing codes.....did full service last month....I do think that the vanos is not good...as it's noisy...was thinking of replacing vanos...but not urgent....didn't think that would cause problem....I may have to remove lpg system to investigate further...thanks...will update...weekend
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