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  • BMW Model
    318i E46 1.9 m Sport

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  1. He is dead the world cant afford him to stay alive as it would just give the rest of the NOOB bombers something to aim at getting back as they would use normal people like poker chips... I say invaid the country it is the only way to get rid of this cancer in the world 1 country at a time, I almost sound like Hitler hahaha....:)
  2. Thanks Dabsy mate. I gave up in the end and went to my local BMW dealer to ask about what my mate was on about and they dont supply a kit but bit on their own and the cost is not alot so managed to get gen parts for not alot of money too. many thanks :)
  3. Is there any gaskets further down then the head apart from the sump that can be changed? (Razor Blade is at the ready just out the pack) ;)
  4. Right my mate is a proper petrol head, has lots of cars and knows his stuff he is just telling me stuff to get lol. I will just be the one handing him spanners to do the job, my special tallant lay elsewhere in a different job. What other gaskets are there below the head apart from the sump I know that 1 and I am not a complete mong when it comes to cars i just do the oil change and small things but would rather someone who I trust do the hard parts as I would make a hash of it. Can you help out with any sites that sell conversion kits you must know what that is if ya into doing stuff on cars yourself???? I have never heard of it that is the whole point of asking the people on a BMW owners site is it not?
  5. Sorry guys. all the gaskets and parts for the bottom of the engine, I am no mechanic lol getting this fed to me by 1 of my mates as we are doing the head gasket and bits at the top he said it might be worth getting a conversion set to replace all of the bottom stuff as we??? I have looked for sites that can supply all of this lot in a pack or kit but can only find them as each item. does that help? coz it dont help me haha... ;)
  6. Just goes to show what the yanks can do when Playstation world goes down for a weekend...lol
  7. Hi all. I am trying to get hold of a complete set for my "Bottom End" or what they call a conversion kit. Does anyone know where to find them as a set I have looked everywhere but hope that someone here has more of an idea then me. Would be great if ya do.
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