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Everything posted by Mazter

  1. Help?
  2. The engine has been running a little thick since I have had it, I changed the cam angle sensor, the plugs and put redex in the petrol with premium petrol, the car still idols sluggish, any ideas what else to check, diagnostics says misfire on cylinder 2? Thanks
  3. Thanks for your help, dealers no longer supply it,
  4. Thank you! Any idea of what it's called?
  5. Nope, nothing like that, if you look at the barrel shaft itself, there a peice of metal under the cylinder where you can wrap your finger around, like a hook
  6. I have seen a z3 with a boot handle/ hook, how do people open the boot normally? I would like to add one to the car, what's it called? I've tried to find a photo on google but don't know what it is called. where would I buy one from? And is it easy to install?
  7. That worked, thank you so much
  8. Hi, I have recently brought 98 z3, the car does not have a roll bar, I have seen a few on eBay which have the wind deflector, are these any good? could anyone recommend which one to buy, how much it costs and where to buy it from? thanks for your help
  9. Thank you for a reply, I will try this
  10. Hi, I have just purchased a 98 R reg Z3, the heating is a bit strange, when the car is idling, the heater doesn't blow out warm air, if I rev the engine warm air blows through, is this normal? new to the group, be gentle thanks
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