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Everything posted by Qwerty

  1. Cheers graydog, as the owner before me already tried opening the key it's a right mess so I think like you I'm probably going to be lazy and get from my local BMW dealer and being in Cornwall there's not many about but if it's not much more than ยฃ120 it's sounds s bargain. Cheers qwerty ๐Ÿ‘
  2. Y keys stopped working 2 days after buying car and they are in a mess, last owner must have tried opening them both to try and fix them. now I need new keys and they also need reprogramming, does anybody know how much they are from main dealer or is there a cheaper version anywhere, any help would be appreciated as I can't lock car without messing and can't switch alarm on. please reply if you know anything qwerty ๐Ÿ‘
  3. As someone else said, just looked for BMW owners club
  4. New member qwerty here, real name Pete but when asked to put name always someone with that tag unusual I know but there's a lot of petes out there. i have a 54 plate x3 2.5 i auto with 95000 on the clock had it since September last year and love it hardly a mark on it but need some parts to make better but more about that later on forums nice to be part of what looks to be a good owners club and hope to speak to some of you later all the best to everyone in the new year, happy beaming qwerty๐Ÿ‘
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